Pieces Of A Plan

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"I have thought about what you said, and I can understand your logic." Evelyn said, taking a long swallow from the takeaway coffee cup in her leather gloved hands. Almost unconsciously, she adjusted the collar of her white jacket, lips pressed into a firm line. "As to whether it would translate to real life, that's another matter..."

They sat in the park bench as they may have once sat in Evelyn's office; although due to the restrictions of the park bench they had to sit side by side rather than opposite each other over a desk.

"But it could be done?" He asked eagerly.

Evelyn wrinkled her nose, clearly chewing the thought over in her mind. "... I'd need my lab, for sure. There's test's I'd have to run-"

"- I could get you a lab."

"That'd make it easier. I might still have to go back to my lab for some things."

"What do you need from there? We could go get it. We could go get it today."

"Hang on, I've not agreed yet." Evelyn said. "I'd have to have some things sorted out first. It's still all theoretical."

"How else would you determine if it worked other than just doing it?" He said irritably.

"Ultimately, I can't." Evelyn agreed, voice calm and diplomatic. "However, I think we'd all agree to reduce as many risks as possible is wise. That, and I need a safe place to work. And I would need to talk it it through with Jocelyn, of course."

He visibly tensed, bristling. "Why?"

"Other than the obvious?" Evelyn said, with a raised eyebrow. "I can't produce blood out of thin air."

"Of course." He sounded begrudging, expression dark and distant.

"But ultimately, I think we could have a chance."

At her words, his expression visibly cleared; mouth twitching an honestly hopeful smile almost unconsciously, as he tried to school his face neutral.

"And now," Evelyn said, smiling sweetly. "I would like you to tell me what you have been doing with my daughter."

Sorry it's quite short, I'm not too well this week. However, I do actually think this chapter is pretty effective as it is.

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