Tickle fight

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Nyx burst into giggles as a damp-haired Nick walked into the living room, running his hands through his fringe.
"So, you recovered from Banana-geddon then?"

"Children have it in for me. All of them. They all mean to make my life a living hell. I'm telling you, it's a worldwide conspiracy."

"Illuminati confirmed!" Nyx cackled, sliding off the sofa with laughter. "Seriously though, all children in the world have a vendetta against you?"

"Oh yeah, like you weren't the absolute worst when you were little. What was the fascination with putting raisins up my nostrils, by the way?"

Nyx fluttered her lashes innocently. "I have no idea what you are talking about. I was a perfect little darling, you know that."

"More like a perfect little pest." Nick mumbled off, under his breath.
"I spent way to many hours of my life in front of the bathroom mirror with a pair of tweezers, pulling small objects out of my nose and ears, thanks to you."

"You're just easy to pick on! It's not my fault, it's just how you are!"

"Oh really?" Nick said, grinning.

Nyx worked out what he was going to do a second too late.

Grabbing her around the waist, he pulled her towards him, wrested her to the ground and began tickling her.

"No! No! Gerroff!" Nyx gasped out through giggles.

"Say you surrender!" Nick cried, fingers finding all her most ticklish spots.

"Never!" Nyx replied, wriggling out of his grip and crawling to the other side of the room.

She looked at him with a devious expression.

"Don't you dare." Nick warned her, grinning.

She pounced on him, wrestling him down as she attempted to tickle him.

"Dammit! Why are you not ticklish?"

"Try behind his ears. I know for a fact he's ticklish there."

Nick looked up from the floor to glare playfully at Travis, who was leaning against the doorframe, watching them. "Thanks Mate. Give away all my weaknesses, why don't you?"

"Okay, if you insist. Hey, Nyx, he's hidden your birthday present in..."

Nick grabbed his ankle and pulled him to the floor.


"Tickle fight!" Nyx yelled, bundling on top of them both.

Several minutes later, they were all collapsed in various positions across the floor, panting hard and grinning ear to ear.

Nyx chuckled. "Thanks guys. I needed that."

Nick ruffled her hair fondly. "Any time, pest. Any time."

A bit of mindless whatever, but I figured that the sibling relationship between Nyx and the boys needed a turn in the story.

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