
31 4 2

Nyx had barely just gotten into her room when a noise from the window drew her attention. As she whipped her head up to look, she felt hands on her, pulling her close, as he hungrily claimed her lips.

She squeaked in surprise, looking bewildered as he broke the kiss, both breathing hard, faces millimeters apart.

Swallowing, she slowly raised her hands to his arms; looking down as she traced her fingers lightly along his biceps, before gripping his arms more firmly, as if either to support herself or to confirm he was really there.

"What... Wha... Uh..."

Slowly, she raised her gaze to his face, to meet his eyes.

And immediately knew something was wrong.

"What happened?" She demanded, hands going up to cradle his face.

Immediately, he practically collapsed onto her, pulling her close and burying his face in her shoulder.

"Help me."

It was so quiet, she almost didn't hear it.

"Tell me what happened." She said softly, absentmindedly running her fingers through the soft strands of his hair.

She felt his grip tighten around her torso almost reflexively, fingers almost claw-like on her hips.

"She... Was there..."

Well, that totally cleared everything up.

"Who was there?"


Well then. That was a little clearer.

The word hung in the air briefly, before he continued.

"She was there. She was just... There. She has no right to just...!"

Nyx hurried to calm him, as the pressure around her middle increased almost painfully.

"She tried to hurt you. She tried to kill you."

"I... I don't think..."

Immediately, he pulled his face up level with hers, hands going up to grasp her shoulders as he looked at her with a desperate severity.

"I saw her. I saw her do it. I know she did it."

"Do you though...?"

"I know." His hands traced up her neck, cradling her face.

Nyx raised her own hands to his wrists, tugging his hands down to hold them on her lap, giving herself more space.

"But... It's not like you... Know the full story. There might be... Something missing..."

"What's to know?" He said loudly, jumping up off the bed suddenly. "She tried to KILL YOU.
They tried to kill you.
I... I want to hurt them. I want to make them pay for it."

"Well... Don't... Do that..." Nyx said, trying to pull him back down onto the bed.

"Why not?!"

She jumped at his exclamation, hands drawing back from where they were reaching for him.

"Why not? They deserve it! It's what they did to you! What gives them the right?!
She stabbed you from behind." He emphasised it like he was trying to make her understand something, hands going back to grasp her shoulders.
"They couldn't even look you in the eyes."

Nyx couldn't look him in his eyes. Not directly.
He seemed half mad, working himself up into a fury with these almost-delusions.

"Shhhh." She soothed, slowly reaching out aching for him again. "Quiet. Just... Calm down. It's okay. It doesn't matter now."

He was tensed up, like preparing to fight or flee, features pulled taught with his hands clenched at his sides, voice where seconds ago was loud was now barely a whisper
"She deserves to be punished for it. She deserves to die for it. You're owed that."

Nyx's eyes went wide. "Whoa! No. Let's just... Not go there."

"Why not?! You deserve that!"

"I do not want anyone dead!"

"They tried to kill you!"

"You don't know that!"

Her words rang out on the silence, hanging heavy between them, both of their expressions fixed with determination as they both breathed hard like they'd been running.

Nyx was the first to break the tension. Turning, she collapsed back to sit on her bed, tears welling in her eyes as her head went to her hands. But she didn't cry.

"I... I just don't know, okay? It's just... It's hard. I just... don't remember!
I try, and I try, and... Sometimes... It scares me, so much... But I don't remember!"

As he watched her, his demeanour seemed to soften. Slowly, he came close, settling beside her to listen.

"I'm just saying... You don't have all the pieces, and I just feel...
I mean, for a start, why would she try to kill me? To get back at you or something? They didn't even know you were alive!"

"You don't know that. You were obviously targeted for a reason!"

"You don't know that either! Please, I'm just asking you to trust me on this, it just doesn't feel right."

"And I'm asking you to trust me on this! I'm not losing you again, I won't, I refuse!"

This time, it was Nyx who threw herself forwards, wrapping her arms around him and holding him close. "You won't. I promise. Just please, don't do anything.
At least not yet." She amended, feeling him tense up again at her words.

"... Don't go." She suddenly said, a decision coming to her mind. "Stay with me tonight."

He still had that strange look in his eyes, wild and feral, like he could go off any minute all with the wrong step.

But slowly, almost painfully slowly, he nodded.

Nyx breathed an internal sigh of relief as he conceded onto her arms, and she guided him to lie back on the bed.

His eyes closed, she whispered to him as he clutched her close, fingers running reassuringly through his hair; her voice wove him a world of stories and dreams, as he lay restlessly in his arms, struggling against the demons only he knew.

Not quite what I'd hoped it would be, but then again I'm the idiot who didn't record this scene when she'd originally come up with it, on the belief I'd remember it, and so obviously forgot half of what I'd wanted to include.
But still, I don't think it's bad. XD

Also, I'm officially on my holidays as of this week, so if updating gets a little iffy, that's why.

Also, I love this song, and it fits this story extremely well. Make sure you listen all the way through. The videos quite good as well.

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