Yelling frustration

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"Ugh! Let me out of HeeeERE!"
Alysha yelled frustratedly, tugging on the restraints that held her down.
The runes on them sparked a little as she pulled, but held strong.

"You're all going to DIE!" She called out, thrashing. "Stop being such imbeciles and somebody, for fucks sake, let me OUT!"

Angrily, she threw her head back and screamed furiously at the ceiling, the sound gutteral and animalistic, tearing through the dark, heavy air of the room like a knife, shattering on every wall, every surface.

She slacked against the restraints, panting heavily. "Anaesthetised and strapped to a gurney. This definitely is not one of my proudest moments."

She shrugged, smiling chirpily to herself.
"Still, could be worse. I could be locked in a dark room, talking to myself. Oh, wait."

In the dark, no one could see her dry, frustrated expression.

Closing her eyes and taking a calming breath, she looked in the general direction of where the door was supposed to be.

"No one's actually out there, are they? You've all skedadled off to safety and forgotten about little old me."
She laid her head back against the metal table top.
"Just plain rude, that is. After all I've done for everyone, nothing. Just nothing. So rude."

"You're still all going to DIE, you know!"

"I'm bored with this game now! Let me OUT!"

"You're all idiots! I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you all are! You've actually managed to amaze me with your stupidity!"

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