Black of Night and Morning Mist

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Luci squinted at the road ahead, the thin beams of light from the headlamps of her clapped out old car barely lighting up the road ahead.

The back roads were dark in the hours of the night, the blackness seeming to swallow up everything around them as time whispered by.

But it wasn't time to stop yet; indeed, nor the place; no matter how heavy her eyes were growing.

Billy had fallen asleep a while back, and was curled up awkwardly in his car seat, giving these little snores that Luci couldn't help find adorable.

Finally, she pulled up the driveway for the small village church, parking just outside the graveyard gate, and reaching around the back of the chair, pulled out two blankets and tucking one over her son before pulling the other over herself and settling down to sleep.

It barely felt like a moment before she was disturbed by something tapping on the window.

"Uh... Go'way." She incoherently mumbled, pulling the blanket up around her chin and praying it would go away. Billy wasn't awake yet, and she was planning to take full advantage of any hours of sleep she could scratch up.

The tapping intensified to a more urgent level, knocking against the window; and Luci turned over, prying open her bleary eyes to look.
"Oh, hey Granny... Wait!" She snapped bolt upright, suddenly very awake. Lilith glared into the car window.

Luci rolled down the car window, schooling her face into an innocent smile. "Yes, can I help you?"

"Get out of the car. Now." Came the reply through gritted teeth.

Slowly, Luci opened the door and slipped out, door shutting behind her with a click.

The early morning mist hung heavy in the air, swirling around their feet, shapes and shadows from the graveyard looming ghost-like through the grey vapour.

"What are you doing out here?"

"The house got busted. We had to leave quickly..."


Billy had woken up, and realized he was parked next to a graveyard.

In an irritable motion, Lilith crossed to the car, yanked off the door and pulled the wailing child out of his car seat.

"MUMMY!" Billy shrieked, looking absolutely horrified to find whose arms he was in, as he was roughly shoved towards his mother.

Luci held him close, tucking the blanket around him as she reassuringly stroked his hair as he clung to her, quaking. "Shh, it's fine. You're fine."

"And where is my son?"

Luci's gut twisted up at her venomous hiss, and she unconsciously drew her own son closer to her body.
"He... Did a bunk. In the middle of the... Incident. Not before trying to murder Clarissa though, which was quite entertaining. I mean, the plan kind of worked, he really went off the deep end when he saw her..."

"... And now he's out on the streets by himself?" Lilith practically threw her hands up in despair. "Well, that's just wonderful."

Luci opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, Lilith had grabbed her arm and was dragging her, none-to-gently, towards the car.

"Get in the car."

"Wait, what's happening?"

"We're going to find him." Lilith said, pushing Luci, still holding Billy, into the passenger side before settling herself in the drivers seat.

Luci was half tempted to ask how she knew how to drive, but decided against it, clutching her son to her chest and warily eyeing the hole left by the torn-off door as they pulled away.

Yay, I'm back! Hope you like!

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