Girls Night

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"You know, it's not safe to walk around on your own at night. Might get lost, or attacked, or... Abducted by aliens, or..."

Hostility radiating off her, Lilith whipped around, glaring daggers into the greying evening light at the figure tailing a few steps behind her." What do you want? "

"Geez, don't shoot." Alysha drawled. "Bloody hell, just wondered if you needed some company. Thought you looked lonely."

Turning on her heel, Lilith made a point of ignoring her as she strode away.

Alysha jogged to catch up. "Oh, come on! I'm bored, let's do something fun. You, me, girls night out, what could possibly go wrong?"

Lilith kept walking.

Racing to catch up, Alysha ducked in front of her. "Look, Lovely. You and I both know I'm not going to let you go through with your plan of camping outside the L'ange's house. Come on, let's get a drink. Who knows, maybe I can help you with your dilemma."

She reached towards Lilith, as if to take her hand or grab her wrist, only for Lilith to draw back, away from her reach.

Alysha raised her hands. "... Alright. One drink? ... Or we could just walk, that's fine too. I kinda wanna party though.
Come on, we can have a proper chat 'n everything."

Several hours later, and they were on the pavement outside a nightclub.

"... You didn't have to be so frosty, Lovely. They were nice people. He was a nice person. Very pretty. Didn't have to kill him."

"He was irrelevant."

"We were just dancing. Geez. What, you jealous or something?" She joked, reaching jovially for Lilith once again, again to be greeted with the same reflex reaction.

"Okay, no touching. I got it."

"What do you want?" Came the snarled reply.

Alysha paused for a moment, looking away.

Then, a broken sob; Alysha's hand flew to her mouth, eyes screwing closed defeatedly even as she seemed surprised at her own actions.

"Somethings wrong. Somethings wrong!" She suddenly seemed very young, like a toddler dissolving into a tantrum.
"Oh, Lovely, it's all going very wrong. Or it's going to. Or it has. I don't know! It's all so... Strange."

She gulped and gasped, hands going to cover her eyes, where they stayed, hiding the top half of her face.

Beneath her hands, she seemed to calm; muttering something unintelligible under her breath. Slowly, her posture shifted, almost as if the previous outburst had just fallen away from her like leaves in the wind.

"What do you seek?" She whispered, almost as if to no one in particular. "What do you want? What is lost to you?"

"Crocodile tears won't work." Lilith turned on her heel, walking away.

Finally, Alysha peeled her hands from her eyes, blinking in the light trickling from the nearby building.

"You really don't like me, do you?"

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