Drinks With Friends

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"... And I'm being driven mad. We can't find him, and frankly, I don't want to! He can... go die in a hole, for all I care."

Dec chuckled from where he stood opposite her across the bar, cleaning drinking glasses with a rag. "... Sure I can't get you anything, Love? You look like you could use a strong drink."

Luci laughed, shaking her head. "Water will be fine."

"Water? I spend a fortune on the finest scotch anyone has in the area, and she wants water." Dec said, shaking his head with mock-sorrow, even as a grin painted itself across his face.

"You, spend a fortune? Don't kid yourself." Luci laughed. "Is William alright in your back room? Sorry, he seems to have invited himself back there."

Dec glanced back at the half-open door. "He's fine, I think. Anything dangerous is out of reach."

"He has no qualms about climbing, you know."

Dec shrugged. "Then he'll learn pretty quick. So, Love, tell me, what brings you back to my humble establishment? I haven't seen you here in some time."

Luci couldn't help the blush that came on at his handsome smile, shivering slightly as he traced his fingertips over her hand.

"I told you that already, Declan. If you didn't listen, then that's your own fault."

Dec chuckled. "What, you didn't come solely to see me? And here I thought you missed me."

Luci gave him an imperious look, raising an eyebrow.

"Alright, alright. I get it, you're here for your missing... 'friend'."

"Well, if anyone knows how someone can disappear around here, it's you."

Dec chuckled, nervously scratching the back of his neck. "That probably sounds more sinister than you meant it to..."

Luci laughed. Slowly, she put her hand on top of this, stroking sensual circles over his skin as she leant towards him over the counter-top. "Come on, Dec. I'm sure if you really tried, you could... work out where he is for me."

"It depends," Dec said, eyes flicking over the details of her face. "What's my incentive?"

"Depends." She purred, in a low voice. "What do you want?"

Dec broke into a broad grin. Quickly, he took a step back, eyes twinkling wickedly. "I'll think about it."

Frustratedly, Luci smacked her hand down on the table top.

"Careful," Dec said with a mirthful smirk. "You'll spill your water."

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