Love Is In The Air

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"I am in love."

"What, again?" Nyx laughed, shaking her head at Selene as she mixed batter in a bowl.

"Shush" Selene said, leaning over the counter to flick Nyx's nose. "This one's a good one, I promise."

"You have me intrigued. Do go on."

"Well, for a start, he's really cute-"

"You're attracted to him, obviously you think he's cute. It'd be a bit of an oxymoron otherwise."

"Shush. He's like... Rocking that recently single dad vibe, you know? Like, I don't know if that's how it is, but that's just the feeling you get. But he's really sweet, and polite... And he's an artist..."

"This is a real guy, right? Just out of curiosity. You're not claiming to have a crush on a TV show character or something?"

"No. I met him when I went to the bar with Travis the other night..."

"If his name's Declan, I swear, I'll smack you with this spoon."

"No, it wasn't Declan." Travis said, walking into the room to snatch an apple out of the bowl on the top. "It was Graham."

"What, Graham?" Nyx spluttered, breaking into a broad grin. "Like, as in hot Graham?"

"Yeah, that Graham."

"Do you know him then?" Selene said, looking annoyed at Nyx's reaction.

"Uh... Kind of. He's an alright guy. I... Just think you might have some competition..."

"Well, I think he's great." Selene said finally, skipping happily out of the room.

"Well..." Nyx chuckled. "Shall I not tell her about the intense eye-sex Graham keeps initating with Dec?"

Travis chuckled. "Scandalous."

"What's scandalous?" Owen asked, wandering into the room and making a beeline for the coffee machine.

"Oh, just that Selene seems to have two boyfriend types; no-good and probably gay."

"And Nick." Travis added.

Nyx stifled a snigger. "Him too."

Once Travis had walked out, Nyx wandered over to Owen at the coffee machine. "Got enough for two?"

"Hang on a second, I'll put more on. Grab another mug."

Grabbing the kitchen stall, she dragged it over and climbed up on it to reach the cupboard. "Don't laugh. I'm short. And mum doesn't like me climbing on the counter."

"I'm not laughing." Owen grinned, shaking his head. "... So, Travis and Nick still not... Resolved their thing, yet?"

"Oh no, I know that voice. You've inherited Selene's 'I want to mix in' tone." Nyx chuckled.

"Not much, I just thought... Maybe we could give them a bit of a nudge."

"Like what? Set them up on a double blind date that their dates 'mysteriously' don't show up?"

Owen gave her a sardonically flat look. "That is so Rom-com."

"It was supposed to be." Nyx chuckled, shaking her head and rolling her eyes.
"We gotta be more cunning than that."

She clapped her hands. "Ooh, this is going to be fun. And I get to do my  plotting laugh. Hang on."

She coughed dramatically, steepling her fingers. "Mua ha ha ha! Alright, let's go."

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