Imprisoned Truth

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"What are you thinking about?" Luci asked Dec; walking into the lounge with a glass of whisky for him which she placed on the table next to him before taking a seat on the nearby sofa. Dec sat in his grand armchair, tapping the fingers of his left hand absentmindedly against the armrest whilst he leant his chin against the right as he stared off into the far distance.

Luci poked him in the arm softly; once, twice, until she finally got his attention.

He started a little, drawing himself out of his thoughts to look at her. Leaning on the arm of the sofa, she smiled coyly, playing innocent. "What are you thinking about?"

"Things." He said with a sly smile.

"What things?" Luci probed, rolling her eyes a little.

Dec chuckled, leaning over to bring his face close to hers, tapping her playfully on the nose. "You know, I don't have to tell you everything."

Luci pouted.

Dec shook his head, still laughing; planting a placating kiss on her lips before drawing back into his chair; his expression turning serious and distant again as he assumed his previous position.

Getting up from the couch, Luci walked over and planted herself in his lap, laying her head on his shoulder. "Are you upset? Don't be upset; you didn't do anything wrong."

Dec sighed, lifting his hand to stroke her hair. "It's alright, don't worry about it."

"You know, I'm allowed to worry about you."

"I know." Dec soothed. "But you don't have to. I can sort out my own problems."

"You have a problem?" Luci asked, sitting up with a look of concern on her face. "What problem?"

"No problem." Dec chuckled. "I'm just thinking."

"About today? Because as I said, you did nothing wrong. You made the right decision. I mean, you saw how she was acting; she needs help!"

"I know." Dec said mildly. "I'm just thinking about it; examining all aspects."

Luci furrowed her brow in confusion. "What do you mean? You can't believe her."

"Some things just aren't adding up, that's all."

"What's not adding up? She's not well. Clearly." Luci snorted. Her tone was that of someone who believed that to be the final say on the matter; and that they should now move on to other things.

"There's just some things I observed in the room." Dec shrugged. "Verbal, and non-verbal."

Luci's heart twinged. "What do you mean 'in the room'?" 'Verbal? Non-verbal?'

"I mean things." Dec said cannily.

Luci's heart clenched.


"Hello Nyx, how are you? I'm fine Declan, thank you for asking; how are you? Me? I'm good too." Dec said to himself, breaking the heavy silence.

"Have you come to apologise?" Nyx snarked as she glared at Declan across the table. "No? Go away."

"I've just come to see how you're doing."

"I hate it."

"Look, come on." Dec said calmly. "I know we didn't exactly part on the best of terms…"

"Best of terms?! You literally have locked me up!"

Declan gave her a look that read 'Seriously? We're doing this?' "Come on, that's a bit harsh now. It's a nice place. I made sure."

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