The Special-est and bestest game

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The hotel had a small scrap of lawn out the back, sparsely decorated around the edges with short potted palms and scrubby flowers that looked like they'd lost the will to live.

In one of the back corners of this area, lay a small, murky pond, closed off from the rest of the garden by a worry fence, and a sign asking for small children to be under supervision at all times around the water.

A little way away from that was a wooden swing bench, surrounded by trellising and some very unenthusiastic climber plants, that were very blatantly doing anything but growing up the trellis to make the intended floral bower.

However, whilst it defeated it's purpose of creating a romantic setting out of a seating area, apparently it made it a very good base for a certain group of children.

Billy and his group of friends ran up to the swing seat area, Billy lugging with him a sports bag full of... Something.

He halted in front of the swing seat, turning into the huddle of his friends and putting the bag on the ground.

"I've got all the bits now, so we can play our special-est and bestest game of Peter Pan ever!

There was various cheers and sounds of excitement from his gathered pals, and Billy smiled widely, very happy at the attention.

Crouching down, he reached into his bag and started pulling out assorted objects, laying them out on the grass so he could note what he had, although not before pulling out a small green cap decorated with a couple of colourful feathers stuck in the band, and placing it on his own head, clearly appointing himself Peter Pan.

Then, he began to hand the items out to each individual, allotting them their character.

"Rigsy, you c'n be Tootles." A furry bear hat with ears for Rigsy, who beamed happily.

"Ben, you're Curly." A furry scarf, clearly pinched from Vivian's closet, was handed to the frizzy-haired boy.

"An'... Ibrahim, you're Noodler, the pirate wif the backwards hands."
Ibrahim looked very confused, and slightly disgusted at the idea, as Billy handed him a large pair of rubber gloves.
"There's a pirate with backwards hands?" He whispered to the boy next to him, who just shrugged in response.

This continued on and on.

"... An' Wesley? Dis is yours. You're Tinkerbell."

Wesley glared, disgrutled, at the plastic, star-ended, glittery wand he handed her.
She looked him dead in the eyes. "I wanna be Captain Hook."

"Well, you can't. You're a girl."

"So? Lainey's a girl and you let her be a pirate!"

"A girl pirate!"

"Then I wanna be a girl pirate! An' I wanna be the Captain!"

"But Captain Hook isn't a girl!"

" 's called pretending! Pretend he is for dis game! Just for dis game!"

"I wanna be a different character too!" Shouted another boy, closely followed by others repeating the same sentiment.
"Mine's boring! I wanna be someone else! It's not fair!"

Billy crossed his arms angrily, stamping his foot. "Shut up! You're all ruining it!" He turned back to Wesley. "Look, Tinkerbell is a cool character..."

"She's a stupid character." Wesley mumbled sulkily.

"An' she's got nice blonde hair like yours, and magical powers, and wings to fly with, and makes other people fly..."

Wesley hit him with the wand.

Sitting in the conservatory with a cup of tea in her hand, Vivian was enjoying having a pleasant conversation with her friends.

The ambiance was broken by Candace rushing in from the garden, a feathered headband stuck messily in her hair, panting hard.

"Billy and Wesley are fighting each other. Literally. They're wrestling, and trying to stab each other with a plastic wand."

"Oh shit! I'm on it!" Steven called out, shooting up from his chair to rush into the garden.

I've got to admit, these guys are fun to write, and I've had to literally force myself not to jump the gun and write nothing but a ton of scenes for them!
Anyway, hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

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