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His prison warden and her satan-spawn of a child were upstairs asleep when he began to pick the lock on window latch.

Luci had essentially imprisoned him in the house, locking all the windows and outside doors shut when not in use, and she had the only keys.

Sebastian was half tempted to just smash the window. It would definitely be quicker, and funny to think that Luci would have to be the one to deal with it, however it would then be very obvious that he'd broken out, even moreso with the fact that the sound might possibly wake them upstairs.

Finally, the lock clicked and he swung the window open wide, climbing through it and hopping down on the other side, boots making a slight thud! on impact.

Pushing the window to, so it appeared to be closed but could be pried open easily, he walked off into the night.

The cool night air was fresh on his face, refreshing after days of being cooped up.

The silence seemed almost unnatural, especially after days filled with the sounds of an almost repetitive around-the-house routine, punctuated with the various temper tantrums, loud games and general noise generated by a four year old.

He walked onwards, step after step, just replaying everything that had happened in his head, taking the opportunity of the peace and quiet to order it all out in his mind.

He knew where he was going.

It was almost subconscious, a habit that had become muscle memory, an invisible thread tugging him forwards.

He didn't know if he could not end up there eventually, even if he tried.
It's not like he had anywhere else to go.

He just had to see her again. Just to know she was safe. Just to know.

He'd lost her during his and Luci's frantic escape.
He'd just turned, and she'd gone.

Just gone.

And he didn't know where.

She'd better have made it home safe.
If not, someone was going to pay.

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