Balloon Ball

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Travis walked into the kitchen, chucking down his phone, and breathing a stressed sigh.

"Well, my Nan's just called, and the old coot's giving me hell because I haven't brought Abby to see her in a while."

Selene stopped short in her tracks. "Wait, your Nan? You have a Nan?"

"Most people do, Selene. That's how biology works."

"Nah, Selene was just under the impression you'd grown on a tree." Nyx said, bouncing a balloon she'd picked up from god-knows-where into the air.
"Your Nan's that intense lady who always says I need to eat more and thinks a stint in the army is just what everyone needs to 'build character', right?"

"The one who terrified you so much when you were twelve, you refused to ever go see her again? Yeah."

Nyx bounced the balloon off her elbow.
"Jeez. I'm stuck between 'Don't let Abby near that woman' and 'For Christ's sake, just do what she wants and maybe she'll go away.' "

"Sounds jolly." Selene commented. "Forgive me if I don't come."

"You're forgiven." Travis grumbled.

A green balloon hit his head at force.

Travis turned to look in the direction it'd come from, quite unimpressed.

"You're supposed to..." Nyx said, pointing. "Uh, never mind, it's on the floor now."

She crossed over and scooped it up, pulling a face at Selene and hitting the balloon up into the air again.

"You're chipper today." Selene commented.

"I have a balloon. How could anyone not be chipper?" She replied, bopping the balloon to Selene.

Travis rolled his eyes at the girls as they tapped the balloon back and forth, turning and walking out of the room.

Selene watched him go, before turning and grinning at Nyx.
"So, what's his name?"

"Uh, that's Travis. You've lived with him several years now, shouldn't you know that?" Nyx joked, tossing the balloon back at Selene.

"Cheeky. You know what I mean. C'mon, who is it?"

"No idea what you're talking about."

"Is it your friend from the Christmas party? Cause he was a bit yummy."

Nyx rolled her eyes, chuckling. "Selene, chill. There's not a guy."

"Is it a girl then?" Selene chuckled, jumping to hit back the balloon.
"Oh god, don't tell me it's the chick from the Christmas party." She joked.

"No." Nyx said, diving for the green orb of rubber flying to her right.
"I'm single. I'm just in a good mood."

"You can be single and like someone."

"Does your answer to everything have to be boys?"

"Hey, I'm single. Haven't found a decent guy in months."

Nyx giggled. "They've gotten wise, at last."

The balloon smacked her in the face.

"Hey! Was just saying!"

"Cheeky. Say..." Selene said, glancing up the stairs and lowering her voice a bit. "Is Nick still single?"

"No, Selene, don't do this. It was bad the first time."

"How so?"

Nyx gave her a disbelieving look. "How... Just how? How do you not know how awful that was, for everyone?"

"Okay, was just saying..."

"No. Just no."

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