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It was Nick who finally strong-armed Emilia out of the door.

If Nyx hadn't been so completely freaked by the angry werewolf chick refusing to move from the doorstep, she'd probably have found it quite funny; Emilia clawing at the doorframe as Nick had pretty much just picked her up like a rag doll and carry-dragged her off the porch, Selene calling out hasty promises to find the book and return it.

Travis had actually given Nick a round of applause when they'd finally managed to shut the door.

Selene had then promptly taken to yelling at Owen, her shrieking going so high pitched Nyx swore that only dogs could truly hear it.

It had been a great relief when Nyx was finally able to collapse into bed, thoroughly exhausted.

She could feel the breeze from the window, softly cooling the room from the warm day, as she tugged her blanket up to her shoulders.

She smiled as gentle fingers brushed her curls away from her face.

" 'M tired. Today was busy." She said through a sleep-laden voice.

She felt the bed dip as he sat down on the mattress, settling himself besides her.

She rolled over, moving close to him, resting her head against his shoulder.

"People yelling, important possessions being missing just 'cause, and I met Selene's looney sister. So, all hell broke loose."
She yawned, unconsciously licking her dry lips.
"Fuck, its all a total mess here."

He pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth, making her lips twitch happily.

"I'd make it better if I could." He murmured. "Make it disappear. Take you far away, where it wouldn't matter."

She chuckled quietly, snuggling her face down into her pillow, eyes fluttering tiredly.

He stroked her hair soothingly, quietly humming a tune Nyx didn't quite recognise.
She pressed her face into his shirt, breathing in his familiar scent, and just enjoying his arms around her.
"Mmm... God, I really will fall asleep in a minute."

He laughed quietly, nuzzling her face and kissing her forehead.
"Shh. It's fine. Sleep. I'll still be here." He said, fingers tangling in her hair.

Placing gentle kisses on her skin, he soothed her to sleep, cradled in his arms.

She woke up alone in the morning, sitting up and rubbing her eyes as the pale sunlight trickling through the curtains brushed over her, feeling something fall heavy about her shoulders.
Running her fingers through her hair curiously, she puzzled as she felt elegantly woven braids resting in her curls.

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