Airplanes and Ice cweam

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"That's it, Abby. Come to me. Good girl Abby! You're so cleve... Oops-a-daisy!" Nyx chuckled, scooping the little girl up from the floor where she'd gone down on her knees, after an attempt to cross from the sofa to where Nyx was kneeling on the floor, all by herself.
It was only about five or so steps, but the little girl had attempted it admirably.

Propping Abby upright on her feet by holding her up under the arms, Nyx grinned at her, making Abby burst into giggles and clap her hands excitedly, bouncing her knees eagerly.

Nyx chuckled. "You wanna fly Abby, huh, yeah? Abby fly? Yeah?"

She stood up, holding Abby out from her body, and 'flew' her around the room, making airplane noises and commentating in a silly voice.

"Nnneeeoooww, and to your right, ladies and gentlemen, you will see that weird duck ornament Grandma picked up at some garage sale, and to your left is the leaning tower of Daddy's abandoned coffee cups... Nnneeeoooww!"

Abby giggled loudly, kicking her legs in midair, reaching out towards the various objects she 'flew' past.

"...And coming into land in three... two... One!"
Nyx pulled her close, cuddling Abby to her and blowing raspberries all over the laughing childs face, before rubbing their noses together fondly in an Eskimo kiss.

"What on earth are you doing?" Ask a very irritated Selene from the doorway.
"It's three in the goddamn morning! On a Saturday!"

"Uh... Abby... Was awake, I... Was not sleeping, henceforth we decided to start the day early."

"Ice cweam!" Abby chimed from Nyx's arms, punching her little fist in the air.

"Ssh!" Nyx said. "You're not supposedly tell her that bit!"

Selene groaned, rubbing her eyes. "Yes, well, you've woken up half the house. Go back to bed. Please."

She walked out.

Nyx looked at Abby. "Think we got away with that one. Whatcha go harping on about ice cream for, huh?"

"Ice cweam!"

"Alright, I can take a hint."

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