The Gate of Lir

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"Mummy, I wanna go home." Billy whimpered, bundled up in his green parka, clutching his Peter Pan book to his chest like a lifeline.

Irritably, he pulled at the harness of his child leash, testily tugging at the plastic clip.

"Leave it alone." Luci said briskly, tapping his hands away.

" 'S un-comfit'ible." Billy grouched. "Why I have to wear it?"

"Because we're going to Faerie to see a friend, and I really don't want you to run off, okay?"

Billy's ears immediately peaked up, his expression turning eager. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!"

"Calm down." Luci chuckled, shaking her head. "It's not that exciting."

"Yeth it is, dough. Coz et's more inwestin' den here, and more funner... Oh, c'mere, Nibs! Don't wun off! We'll 'Ave to put da leash on you ef you don't ba'have! Mummy, haf you got da... Da pwesent dat you haf to give da man? Coz you can't fa'get dat."

"Yes, I have, don't you worry." Luci said, ruffling his hair fondly. "Dec, we'll be back in a moment, you going to be alright here?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna be fine." Dec replied, reaching for the glove compartment of the driver seat to riffle through a stack of CDs. "Lila's still snoring, I see? She'll probably sleep like a log until morning now."

"She's adorable." Luci commented with a smile, as she helped Billy down from the seat. "Now Declan, don't have too much fun without us."

"I'll try." Dec joked back, shooting her his trademark handsome smile. "Now, Billy, you look after your mum, okay? Don't let her do anything silly."

Luci rolled her eyes in fake-annoyance, a smile sneaking onto her lips anyway.

Billy puffed out his chest a little. "Don't worry, I'll keep 'n eye on her."

Luci chuckled, fondly mussing up his fringe into his eyes. "Alright, you. Wave goodbye to Dec; we'll be back soon anyway."

Billy waved enthusiastically at the man as Luci tugged him away by the reigns, out towards the ocean.

As Luci had expected, Billy's extreme fascination at the world around him was prevelant in his eyes as they travelled along the Moon's road. The usually loud and exuberant boy was silent in awe, and perhaps a little fear, as he clutched his book to his chest for comfort; standing perhaps a little closer to his mother than he usually would.

Luci was farely confident everything would go smoothly. She already had an item with which to pay the toll; she could feel it hanging heavy in her pocket as she walked, a stele that had been in her family for ages.

But of course, things never go to plan.

A sentiment which Luci had never liked, especially now; when the Guardian of the gate asked for the child leash.
Immediatly, she was resistant to give them up, to give over the only way to guarantee control over her son; but even so, she made sure to tell him to stay close as she unclipped the reins from around his torso.

But it was then that the man turned to Billy.

Nibs, sensing the young boy's discomfort at this, hurried to Billy's side to rub himself up against his masters legs in comfort and support.

Billy clenched his fist protectively in the hounds fur as the Guardian's eyes fell onto his pet; the boy's jaw setting with determination in defence of his best friend.
A pause; then, striding over to the boy, he crouched beside him, talking in a voice too low for Luci to hear.

Conflict was written across Billy's face; he looked visibly torn, clutching his book ion one hand and holding onto Nibs's scruff with the other.

More words; and then, with reluctance clear in his eyes, Luci watched the boy give a small nod as his fingers loosened from around the spine of his book. Then, screwing his eyes shut, he held out the book for the man to take.

Taking her sons hand as they went to walk though the gate, Luci looked at the stoic face the boy was putting on and gave his palm a reassuring squeeze.

"What did he say to you?"

Billy shook his head. "Not telling."

Hello, I'm back!
It's probably not the best I've done, but it works. I can always come back if I have a better idea.

Anyway, Happy New year! :)

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