Acting out

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"William, I specifically told you no swearing, no stealing, and no running off!"

"Wa'sya point?"

"When I finally tracked you down, you were screaming at the store security that you, and I quote, 'didn't fucking take the lady's stupid makeup!' "

"I didn't!"

"You were holding her new eyeshadow palette as you said it!"

Luci and Billy struggled in through the door, Luci juggling a large amount of shopping, Billy aiding by clutching a small bag in his arms.

"I just wanted to see what it was." Billy grumbled. "Was gonna put it back after."

"That's not the point! You don't take things from other people's shopping baskets!
And you definitely don't swear in public! Especially not at security!

And, when I specifically tell you to stay near me, you don't run off first opportunity!
What if something had happened to you?
Something worse than being nabbed by security for stealing!"

Billy dumped his bag unceremoniously down on the kitchen top.
He looked at his feet, posture embarrassed and awkward.

Luci groaned, hand going to her face.
"God's sake, I'm just trying to keep you out of trouble. Things are difficult currently, and I really don't need it made harder. I know you're annoyed to be here, and that you'd much rather be back at the mansion, but you're just going to have to bear with me for a while, okay?"

Billy nodded.

Luci looked at him, examining him, trying to work out if he'd actually taken in a word she'd said, but with his neutral expression, it was difficult to tell.

"Mummy, can I have my crayons now?"

Luci sighed, reaching for the bag. "You definitely don't deserve these, but if they'll keep you occupied and out of trouble..." She went to hand the box of brightly coloured wax crayons to him, then, having a second thought, drew it back.

"Wait, you're not going to melt them on the stove again, are you?"

Billy looked away, suddenly very interested in the other side of the room.

"William!" Luci cried. "I told you, no more making coloured smoke bombs! Especially not indoors! God's sake, I loathe the day you worked out how to use the internet."

Sebastian chose that moment to walk into the kitchen, completely ignoring them both, and dumping an empty mug by the sink.

Luci snorted. "And good afternoon to you too. Wash it up yourself, this isn't a hotel."

Billy's eyes lit up. "Mummy, can I do the washing up?"

"Not if you're going to re-enact the Battle of Trafalgar again. We lost three glasses and two plates to that."

"Aww." Billy complained quietly, eagerness deflating.

Luci turned back to Sebastian. "So, you finally crawled out of your pit of solitude and deep thought that you created in the living room?"

He gave her a long, unimpressed look.

"Your son's pulling faces at me."

Luci turned back to look at Billy, who had his hands to his throat in a mock-strangling gesture, pulling a bug eyed, tongue out, gagging expression.

He quickly stopped as he felt his mother's eyes on him, the thought 'Uh oh' practically written across his face.

Luci raised an eyebrow, hands on hips.

Billy snatched the crayons off the top, turning tail and charging up to his room. "Freedoooom! For Narnia! Thunderbirds are go!"

Luci turned back to Sebastian, who's expression could only be described as 'what the fuck?'.

"Honestly, I have no idea."

By the way, you can actually make coloured smoke bombs out if crayons (and some other ingredients), but I've never actually done it.

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