The Unfortunate Dinosaur

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It was almost predictable that the moment Luci sat down to relax with her book, something would happen to interrupt it.

"Mummy, can you get my dinosaur out from da back of da radi'tor now?!"

She mentally groaned as Billy tugged on her arm, reluctantly putting down her book and following him.
"Alright, get the kitchen tongs."

Fishing for the ridiculous plastic dinosaur Billy had chosen for today's game of new-and-awkward-places-to-loose-toys, she heard movement  behind her as someone strode into the room.

"Welcome to parenting One-to-one." She said, pulling her arm out from behind the radiator, and turning to her curiously observing house guest.
"The combination of small gaps and awkwardly shaped toys is an unwritten punishment from hell."

She shook her head at her small son. "I'm sorry, I can't get it out. I'll try again later, okay?"

"But I want it back now! I want to play wif it!"

"Then you shouldn't have put it down the back of the radiator, should you?"

"I didn't put it down there, it fell!"

Luci peered down the back again swiftly. "It's not that small. Looks like it required some forcing to me."

"But Muuum! It's my favourite toy! Please, I want it! Muuum! It'll melt! An' it's my favourite!"

"Every toy you loose is 'your favourite'. And it won't melt, I'm sure. I said I'd try again in a bit and I will."

She rolled her eyes out of her son's sight, turning to Sebastian with a overly-forced grimace, emphasising her irritation.
"And how are you on this fine, fine day? I should suppose you've had a lot to... Mull over since last night.

William, careful. You might hurt yourself... "

There was a clatter as Billy dropped the kitchen tongs down the back of the radiator where he'd been attempting to reach his toy with them.

Luci swore. "Oh, for fucks sake!"

"Bad word!"

"Yes, I'm fully aware!" She snapped, marching over and yanking him away from the radiator, peering down the back.
"Great. Now the tongs are stuck. You just had to fiddle, didn't you, William? I said I would get it!"

"He's four, what did you expect?" Sebastian said from across the room. "Or so you keep saying to me."

Luci scowled at him. "Don't comment on how I parent my child."

He shrugged, open hands, smirking slightly.

Luci took a steadying breath, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"William, go get a ruler or something. I'll flick it up from the bottom and you'll catch it."

"See? Teamwork. Isn't that a much better solution?
Important values and all that."

Luci glowered at Sebastian. "You're mocking me."

"Just a bit, yes."

Billy ran back in, proudly presenting a bright green ruler to his mother, then rushing to reach down the back of the radiator.

Really not eager to do this, Luci crouched, jimmying the ruler up the underside of the radiator.
"Got anything?"


"Good." She said gruffly, getting up again and dusting herself down.

Billy, now holding the retrieved tongs,
furrowed his brow, confused. "But, my dinosaur..."

"I'll get it later."

"But it's going a funny shape! It's not going to look right anymore...!"

Luci ignored him, turning back to Sebastian. "Don't just stand there gaping, put the bloody kettle on!"

Walking over, she flopped down in a chair, sighing exhaustedly, closing her eyes.

" 's stuck."

"I know it's stuck, Sweetheart." She replied.

"No, I think he's saying he's stuck." Sebastian commented.

Luci snapped her eyes open, seeing Billy desperately attempting to yank his arm out from where it was jammed down the back of the radiator.

"Oh for crying out loud!" She hissed, flying across the room to liberate her son.
"That's it, we're going out! This Goddamn house is getting on my nerves!"

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