Hardly A Friendly Natter

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Luci eyed Lilith warily, as she perched on the other end of the bench, looking all too harmless not to be suspicious of.

"So, the rocks hit you on the ass on the way out?"
Luci glared harshly at the woman, who held her gaze, face unreadable.

"The caves." Luci snapped after a moment of silence. "You scarpered pretty quickly out of that one.
Meanwhile, I spent three days buried alive."

"I understand you feel betrayed, but do you not think if I couldn't have come for you, I wouldn't have?"

"I don't know, Grandma, would you have?" Luci said confrontationally, crossing her arms, eyebrow raised sceptically.

"I knew that both of you were strong enough to survive."

"Sure. That's why you fled like a bat out of hell." Luci replied harshly.
"Your son's died what, twice now? Just saying, doesn't cast you in the most sensitive of lights."

The effect of her cold demeanour, however, was quickly cut short.
"William! Do not go behind those bushes!
I don't care what your new friend is doing, you stay where I can see you!"

As Billy stomped sulkily back towards the play equipment, Luci settled herself more comfortably on the bench, watching him out of the corner of her eyes as she turned to the situation at present.

Lilith chuckled low. "He's a willful child, isn't he?
Makes friends easily as well.

But tell me, how are you doing? Have you any new friends recently?"

"Don't pretend to parent me." Luci muttered, before clearing her throat. "Well, why does it matter?"

"Can't I want good things for you?"

"I don't know Granny, do you?"

Lilith chuckled, turning to watch the playground of squealing children.

"Why did you stay here, Lucia?" She said, a slight smile on her face.
"The world was your oyster, you had no strings to tie you here."

"Other than the fact that your lazy ass son is in the middle of a crisis and is camped out on the sofa eating my kids marshmallow cereal?
Yeah, figured it wasn't wise to leave him unsupervised."

"You're living together?"

Luci shot her a dark look. "Not in that way. Strictly business. I'd be charging rent if he actually had a job.

Nope, he's still pining for Miss Sugar and Spice, which if that's what he wants to do, he can... Do that." She shrugged, waving it off.
"It was really funny, actually, she got the sulks with him in the caves, talk about a kicked puppy... Oh, hello Sweetheart."

Billy had rushed over, grinning from ear to ear, looking curious at the conversation he'd just walked into.
"What? Who's kicking puppies?"

"No one, Sweetheart." Luci chuckled, ruffling his hair.

Billy shook off her hand, tugging at her sleeve. "Mummy, the ice cweam van is here, can I get an' ice cweam, pwease Mummy..."

He trailed off as he noticed who was sitting on the other end of the bench.

Squeaking in fear, he practically dove behind his mother, adhering himself to her like it somehow made him invisible, burying his face in the material of her jacket and making little incoherent scared noises.

"Oh, okay." Luci said quietly, trying to reach him behind her to comfort him. "We'll go. We're going. I promise."

She shot Lilith a look, shrugging. "Kids, eh? What can you do?"

Okay, so as some of you may know, I decided to change Dec from a Werewolf to a Faerie, as I've had a rethink about his character.
I think it was just that one page I specifically mentioned it on, but if you do find any other places it's 'incorrect', please let me know.

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