A Reoccurring Dream

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The dream returned every night for the next few days, so much so that Nyx had begun to expect it, curiously if not quite so eagerly.

It wasn't even as bad as she'd have expected it to be, not as bad or awkward as she'd feared if she'd ever seen him again.

In the secluded world of the dream, there was no right or wrong, no expectations to live up to, no guilt no secrecy, none of the things that had weighed heavy on her mind on the times before.

In their dream world, they could just be.

"Hey." She greeted him, in a quiet voice, pulling herself upwards to look at him properly.

Like all the dreams started, he was keeping his distance across the room, but she knew it'd was a futile effort, as they always ended up drifting closer to each other, almost involuntarily.

"Hey." He greeted back, softly.


"I honestly don't know what to say to you.
And that's not in any way angry or anything, I just honestly don't have words."

He shrugged slightly from where he stood across the room.
"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to."

"That's true, but I kind of feel that I should.
Honestly, I did have all these things I did want to say, but I can't remember what they were."

She laughed awkwardly, feeling a little self conscious.

He chuckled, breaking into a smile which eased some of the tension. "I should probably be thankful for that."

"Yeah, I was planning to give you a right earful."
She yawned, blinking tiredly.
"No idea what I'm going to say now."


"... And I'm constantly worried that something else is going to happen.
Something else always seems to happen, it's just how it goes now.

And I definitely know that everything's... Everything's just not done yet, no matter how much I want it to be.

I just... I liked my life the way it was, when it made sense! And... I can deal with change, it's not like... I mean, we'll just adapt... But every time it gets almost stable, someone flips it on its head again!

And... It's all goes horribly wrong, and... And I'm scared about what's going to happen next. I couldn't take it if... If.. "

He crossed the room in swift steps, laying a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Shh." He soothed. "It'll be alright. I promise, I'll keep you safe."


"I'm worried about Maddie. I think something's wrong with her. She's suddenly become really distant. I mean, we weren't exactly the greatest of friends ever, but still, friends is friends and I know when she's not herself."

"Ah, yes, our charming Maddie."

"Be nice."

"Why? I don't like her, and she definitely doesn't like me."

"Well, be civil then, for my sake."

He scooped up a couple of her long curls, winding his fingers through the twisty strands.
"Thought I was being civil."

"Ha ha, but seriously, I think something's up."

"It's possible. Trust me, those caves can do strange things to people, if you're not careful."

He turned her curls over in his fingers, examining them before raising his gaze to look intensely into her eyes.

Nyx shivered a little.


"Abby can actually walk around the living room all by herself now. Well, you still have to keep a close eye on her, but still, she's learning ever so well.
She's quite verbal too, she learnt so many words already!
I'm so proud of her, honestly, so very proud."

He smiled, perched on the side of the mattress, raising their interlinked hands to brush his lips across her knuckles. She tried to ignore the little tingles it sent to her stomach.

"She's a credit to you, Little Abby." He said, smiling softly and stroking small circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. "You work so hard for her."

"Yeah, but she's worth it." Nyx replied, stretching languidly out on her bed, as the his hand moved up to stroke circles on her hair line instead. "She's so dear to me. There's nothing I wouldn't do for her."


"Where do you go in the day, anyway?" She said, eyes twinkling playfully.

"Around." He replied, settling next to her on her bed, fingers tracing up her shoulder blades, her collar bone, her throat, the planes of her face, sending little shivery sparks running up and down her spine at his touch.

"Do you live in a tree like some strange fairytale creature?
Or perhaps you hide away in the shadows at the back of my closet?" She teased, sniggering a little at the thought.

"Oh, yes, definitely." He teased back, pressing a chaste kiss to her forehead that made her face flush hot.

This is kind of supposed to give the impression of being a lot of little snapshots of various 'dreams' together, spanning a longer amount of time.
That's why the layout might seem a little different, but hopefully I achieved what I was aiming for.

Feel free to ask as many questions as you like, or leave comments, feedback, or whatever!

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