Wrapping Paper

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"Your daddy want green wrapping paper or blue?"

Abby perched on Nyx's bed, 'helping' Nyx sort through a pile of part-used wrapping paper tubes to find something to wrap up Travis's birthday gifts.

Abby picked up a roll of sunshine yellow, gurgling and waving it like a baton, bashing it hollowly against the mattress before heading it towards her mouth.

Nyx plucked it from her grip before it reached its destination.
"Hmm, think we bought this one for you.
Eh, we'll wrap up the socks you got him in it. It'll be cute.

Now then.." Nyx said, zooming in on Abby and tickling her belly, making her squeal. "... I'll do all the cutting and folding, and then you can help with the taping, yeah?"

Abby clapped and wiggled excitedly, before flopping back onto the bed with a squeak.

Nyx chuckled. "Whoops-a-daisy! Aww, c'mere you."
She settled next to her, cuddling the baby close.
Abby made happy noises, snuggling into her contentedly, chattering away enthusiastically in indecernable words.

Nyx played along, acting out the other end of the conversation, much to Abby's delight.
"Oh, really? Wow, that's incredible. Yes, uh huh. Huh, okay. He did what? No, really? Yes, yes, I totally agree. Oh, I like that too. Well..."

She sat up, picking Abby up with her. "... I think we've really got to get this wrapped for your daddy now. You know, because he's being a sour puss and we need to make him all happy and smiley."

Reaching forwards, she booped Abby on the nose, laughing as she drew back, at the small square of sellotape she'd sneakily stuck in her nose, making Abby go boss-eyed.
Abby sneezed, looking at it in confusion as she tried to shake it off.

Nyx chuckled at her adorable expression. "Aw, sorry baby. I'm mean, aren't I?"
She peeled it off. "Gone! Gone now! Magic!"

Abby looked a bit bewildered, before breaking into laughter, waving her arms and kicking her feet.

"Nyx, are you winding up Abby again?" Nick joked from outside their closed door.

"Just a little. It's good for her." Nyx shot back, grinning.

Nick pushed open the door, smiling at the scene before him. "Hmm, wrapping presents for Travis, I see? Star wars socks, nice.
Hey, Little bit, don't worry, I'm not hear to pinch your wrapping paper."

Abby had grabbed as many tubes as possible as he'd walked in, coveting away the brightly coloured paper like precious possessions.

Nyx chuckled. "She's insisting we use the yellow and pink birds for Travis. Adamant, can't be persuaded otherwise.
It's alright, Abs, I'll probably end up wrapping his gift anyway.
Anyway, Nick, you want something?"

"Not really." He shrugged. "Just curious as to what you're doing."

"Come hang!" Nyx said, flopping back on the bed. She waved up at Abby, who was looking down at her curiously.
Seriously though, Nick. Come be with us. I'm introducing Abby to sellotape and it's hilarious."
She reached over and tickled Abby's knees, making her giggle.

Nick sat down on the bed, watching them.

Nyx sat up, scrambling up close to him. "I can hear gears turning. What you thinking about?"

Nick gnawed his lip for a second, thinking. "Can I ask you a question?"

"I didn't do it, I don't know what you're talking about, I was somewhere else at the time." She joked.
"Funny? No? Okay. New try. Go ahead, I'm listening."

"... Actually, never mind, it's not important."

Nyx settled closer, pulling Abby up onto her lap. "Oh, come on, I really want to know now. Come on, I was joking around. Tell us."

"Nah, it's fine. Doesn't matter. You going to use the blue paper?"

Abby clutched it close, giving him a steely glare.

Nyx laughed. "She's gonna smack you with it in a minute if you're not careful.
And don't think you can change topics so easily. What did you want to ask?"

"Uh... Well... It's about... Uh... Is Travis okay?"

Nyx blew out a sigh. "Ah, yup, that's a question.
Well, I mean... It's Travis. He... Has times which are hard. Especially recently, with all the ish that's happened."

She planted a kiss on Abby's forehead. "Not that you're any trouble, you're a darling.
But, I think we've just got to be kind and understanding. Like, everyone's a bit... Tense, we've all just got to be good to each other.
Abby, darling, put the tube down, you're about to wack me in the face.
You good, Nick?"

Nick seemed a bit phased out for a moment, then shook himself out of it.
"Yeah, I'm good."

Nyx smiled sympathetically, reaching over and booping him on the nose.

Nick peeled off the piece of tape, giving her a grin and an 'are-you-serious?' eyebrow.

Nyx burst out laughing, trying to quell it a little, but knowing it was good when Nick joined in seconds later.

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