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A swift rap Maddie's suite door turned her head.

Evelyn's voice called out from behind it. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah." Maddie replied, not particularly... Anything, really. The word was flat, solely functional.

The door handle twisted, and Evelyn pushed the door open, entering the room.
"Hey. Came to check how you were. How's the leg?"

Maddie shrugged. "Non functional.
Can we see about getting it sorted now? I think I can feel parts of the bone shifting as I move my body, and I'm not taking that as a good sign."

Evelyn shook her head. "From my judgement, the bones not just snapped but has been crushed, potentially into several pieces.
As it was crushed in the cave in, my guess is your nerves and your ligaments have also been damaged.
That's why it can't move or feel."

Maddie nodded. "I'd believe that on my end. So, what we going to do about it? Tell me it can be fixed."

"There's no definite, for a start I'm only guessing what happened, but there's a chance it wouldn't be impossible."

"So what are you waiting for? Do it! Or get someone to do it, I don't know! I just want it fixed now."

Evelyn swallowed, pausing for a moment. "Well, here's the thing... I can't exactly take you to hospital. I would, but I can't."


"Because... Because technically, you're in hospital in a coma."


"Look, I don't know what's happened.
Well, I have my theories... Okay, so don't freak out, I'm not sure how it works, but this is what I've pieced together.
It's almost like, your consciousness, when you went into your coma, perhaps sort of... 'detached' itself from your body, in want for a better word.

Now, I don't fully understand the powers of the Caves of Reflections, but my theory is, there was almost some kind of... 'power surge', connected to when the caves collapsed.
Perhaps, as you were within the Caves when you fell into your coma, your consciousness was somehow tied into them, and when the surge happened, it kind of... Purged you out."

"And the fact I have physical form?"

"Again, something to do with the magic within the caves. It's almost like some kind of biological simulacrum of your reflections form. It's remarkable. Your biology's been assimilated down to a tee, and your mind somehow transferred to it."

"... And once again in English?"

"A new body has been created for you, apparently using your reflection as almost like a blueprint.
But the thing is, your other body is still technically... Alive. In fact, there's almost like a connection between this body and that one. Well, if the crushed leg your comatose counterpart is sporting is anything to go by."


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