Found treasure

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It was quite late in the day when Nyx eventually woke up.

She hadn't meant to fall asleep on the couch, but she'd just been so exhausted, between everything she had to deal with in the day, and the lack of sleep her subconscious allowed her at night, and the chair had just been so comfy, and the warm sunlight trickling through the window so nice on her skin...

Stretching, she grunted as she pulled herself reluctantly up off the sofa, running her fingers through her hair in a half-hearted attempt to detangle the acquired bird's-nest she knew would be there.

Maybe she should cut it short again, like that cutesy little cut she'd had a few years ago?
It'd definitely be easier to tame, that was for sure.

Groaning, she wandered sleepily into the kitchen, rubbing at her eyes.

In the process of filling up the kettle to make herself a drink, she was interrupted by Selene walking into the kitchen.

Selene grinned. "Oh, hello, you're up! Good, actually, because I was looking to tell you something... Wait here a second."

Nyx watched as she turned heel and hurried off, slightly puzzled at what Selene was talking about, but the last few wispy tendrils of sleep making her mind too foggy to really care.

Selene was back in a second, bouncing back into the kitchen with a grin.
"Look what Owen found!"

Clutched in her hands was Nyx's purple top hat.

Nyx couldn't help but smile, eagerly taking the hat and giving it a quick inspection, before dramatically swinging it up onto her head, crowning her curls.

She posed, hands on hips. "How do I look?"

Selene gave her the thumbs up. "Very nice! Excellent!"

Nyx laughed, smiling broadly.
"No mad hatter comparisons this time?"

"Oh, definitely. That goes without saying, even when you don't have the hat." Selene teased.

Nyx mock scowled.

She took off the hat, running her fingers over it, admiring the decoration.
"Tell Owen I said thanks. Or I'll tell him when I see him. Something like that. Anyway... Yeah!"

She placed her hat back on her head, doffing it at Selene, and grinning.

Selene chuckled. "You should look out for a really good coat to go with that... Something of a similar style, you know?

Anyway... Another thing I wanted to say, it's your birthday again soon, got anything you want to do for it?"

Nyx furrowed her brow. "It's not my birthday quite yet. A few months to go yet.
It's Travis's first."

"Yeah, but Travis is boring, he never wants to do anything on his birthday.
Besides, if you want to have a super special birthday, you've got to plan early!"

Nyx raised an eyebrow. "You've just gotten really bored recently, haven't you?"

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