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Maddie squished the macaroni cheese around the bowl with her fork, scrunching up her nose at the rapidly cooling food.

Sighing frustratedly, she dumped the tray onto the floor, groaning as she jarred her leg with the movement, dusting her somehow sticky hands off as she sat back up.

She was incredibly bored.

Her leg had essentially confined her to her bed, only being able to manoeuvre around, even to the bathroom, with the aid of someone else.

Evelyn was her most frequent, if not her cheeriest visitor, assuming the clinical persona of a doctor or scientist, coming to examine, poke and prod.

Nyx had come to visit a couple of times, however between Rachel's tragedy, looking after Abigail and dealing with her own issues, Nyx hadn't managed to come over often.

That girl, Emilia, had become a surprise friend, introducing herself by sneaking into Maddie's room one evening with supplies of beer and nachos, alongside news of the outside world, and a thousand complaints to vent.

Emilia was a woman who seemed to have a bone to pick with the entire world, and wasn't afraid to show it.

She made a good drinking buddy though.

And then there was the kids. They seemed to just... Spawn out of the walls or something, with plans to get underfoot and cause mischief.
Somewhat irritating, mostly harmless, and a little bit entertaining, actually.

As if her thoughts had been heard, a swift knock on the door caught her attention.

Emilia poked her head around the door, grinning energetically.
"Hey, Mads. Watcha up to?"

Most of the time, Maddie couldn't tell if Emilia was being serious, or was just secretly mocking her.
She was just one of those people.

"Uh... Not a lot..."

Emilia sauntered over to the bed, hopping up to lounge on it next to Maddie.
"Come on, you're the least boring person in this goddamn shit-hole, don't go cold on me now! I'll buy you as much alcohol or whatever contraband you like if you can just provide me with a conversation that isn't either condescending or nosing around!"

"Evelyn giving you shtick again?"

"And that dreadful Mags woman. I swear, of one more... You know what? I'm not drunk enough for this.
I'm gonna grab us some beers. Back in ten, toodles!"

She gave a little finger wave, striding to the door.

Maddie laid her head back on the pillow the second she walked out. Christ, she didn't know what to make of that girl.

A soft knock alerted her to someone at the door.

Maddie chuckled. "That was quick!"

"Don't think I am who you think I am."

A hand pushed open the door and the familiar face of Nyx peeked around it.

"Maddie-darling, how are you doing?"

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