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"Oh my god, Nyx, are you okay?" Selene exclaimed as Nyx stomped through the front door, red-eyed and pulling her jacket closed around her. "Where have you been? Travis and Nick are out looking for you! You've been missing for ages!"

"I don't want to talk about it!" Nyx sobbed, covering her hand over her mouth in mortification of the sound, water bubbling in her eyes. Her control cracking, she ran upstairs, hiding her face from anyone who could see. Selene hurried after her, a look of concern on her face; only to knock on Nyx's bedroom door when the girl closed it behind her.

"Come on, you're crying. What's upset you? Talk to me. What happened?"

"I don't want to say." Nyx replied miserably.

"So you're not going to come out at all?" Selene asked, sounding a little exasperated under the sympathy and concern. "Okay, fine. I'll let the boys know you're home safe. Have you eaten, or do you want me to heat up some leftovers?"

"I'm not hungry." Nyx said, slumping on her bed exhaustedly, scrubbing at her eyes with the back of one hand. "I'll… Get something later, maybe. Thanks anyway."

Safely hidden behind the closed door, she unwrapped her jacket from around herself, pulling out the stolen knife she'd hidden inside. Looking around her room, she searched for a safe place to put it; her mind a roller-coaster of adrenaline and emotion that made her heart clench, a lump form in her throat and her stomach ache. Finally, she settled on stashing it under her bed, squeezing it between the mattress and the slats of the bed frame.
Satisfied the concealment wasn't obvious to the outside world, she clambered onto the mattress, curling up into a small shape atop the covers to rest.

Somewhere in the distance she heard a knock on the front door, and the sound of Selene going to open it.

Deciding it was nothing to do with her, Nyx let her mind wander; her thoughts drifting aimlessly, taking a break from the exhausting thoughts that had kept her heart pounding and her legs moving as she'd torn through the streets not so long ago.

She came crashing back to earth when she heard Selene scream.

Sitting bolt upright, she leapt off the bed, springing to her door in a couple of bounds and charging down the stairs. "What's going on?!"

There was a strange woman in the lounge; Nyx could see her through the open door. A tall, red-haired woman in some kind of pink outfit stood there; standing over Selene, who was laid out on the sofa. She seemed to be paralysed somehow- at least partially, as she was still making sound. And then she saw the silver coins, on her sister's face.

"Oh, there you are dear." The woman said cheerily. "I must say, you are quite the runner."

Nyx found her voice. "Get out!"

"I'll take the knife for your sister's sight, thank you."

No way was Nyx arming this psycho; not when she and Selene were practically alone and defenceless in the lower half of the house. But she couldn't not do something.

"I... Don't have it."

"Perhaps I did not make myself clear." The Woman responded, removing the silver to show Selene's burnt face. "You will give me the weapon, or she won't be the last of your family to suffer at our hands." 

"I don't have it!" Nyx yelled loudly, looking alarmed. "I did have it, but I don't now, I lost it! I was running, I was upset, I couldn't see… I dropped it! And then I couldn't find it again!" 

"You dropped it?" The Woman repeated. "Well, that was careless. Such a pity." She petted Selene on her blonde head. "I'm sorry I had to do that, dear. You see, your sister's gotten herself involved with the wrong family. And well, this is the least of what you can expect. So sorry. But she was warned. One would think she would have learned after what happened with your mum and the Draugr." The lady cackled. "Give my regards to Rachel, will you? Ta-ta for now, Cuties!"

"Gargle nails!" Selene yelled.

"And stay out!" Nyx shrieked out the door at the retreating woman, shoving the door shut with a loud bang as she raced to Selene to pluck the silver off her sister's face. "Oh my God, are you alright?"

"No, no, I am very much not alright. Help me sit up!"

Nyx guided her upright, sitting her on the sofa. "What can I do?"

"Call Nick and Travis. Then tell Rachel." Selene croaked.

"I will." Nyx nodded hurriedly. "Just... One thing..."

Drawing her phone out of her pocket, she ran to the window, peering out. Bingo. The red-head was still there, walking down the road; and she snapped a picture. Then, heart pounding in her chest, she dialled Travis.

So this was meant to be longer, but between the word count being longer than expected, a ton of homework and the fact I think I'm brewing a virus in time for Halloween, I thought it might be best to end it here and just put it out there.

Credit where it's due, @LucindasEveningLight helped me quite a lot on this one, particularly with dialogue. Thanks you :)

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