Mother And Child

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"... But why would she put it in Luci's tea?"

"You've been repeating that for the last five minutes." Magnus said irritably. "And we get further away from the answer every time you do."

"Yes, but Lucia's an adult." Jace replied, stopping in his pacing to throw up his hands. "It'll make her sick, sure, but unless Lilith is slowly trying to poison her- and there are much easier methods of doing that- unless it was meant for the boy, but the amount almost killed him. Unless she wanted to kill him. But again, there are much easier ways of doing that, and make it look like an accident."

Magnus interrupted. "I think we're possibly missing the obvious here."


"Yes, darling?" Luci looked up from the book she'd been reading aloud to answer her son, her face portraying restrained concern.

"Mummy... Why'd Peter Pan's Mummy close da window? When he wented back home."

"Well..." Luci floundered for an answer, not wanting to upset the little boy looking at her with serious eyes across the duvet. "... I guess she just didn't expect him to fly back. It would be a bit strange, especially for a Mundane."

"But why didn't she see or hear 'im, Mummy? Et's only a window, 's only fin glass."


"Did she not want 'im anymore?"

Luci paused, open-mouthed like a goldfish. "Uh... Shall we skip this bit? We can go to the exciting part with the Natives if you like..."

"Woz et 'cause of da uvver baby sat she didn't want Peter en-ymore?"

Luci closed the book. "What's brought this on? Is something wrong?"

Billy shrugged, looking at his hands as he fiddled with a loose thread on the blanket. "Woz just finkin'."

Getting up out her chair, Luci sat on the bed next to him, pulling him into a hug. "Aww, Sweetheart." She planted a kiss on his forehead. "What, are you scared we're going to replace you? Gonna pop down to 'Little Rascals 'R' us' and buy a new William, am I?"

She tickled his belly, making him squeal.
Wriggling out of her grasp, Billy bounced excitedly on the mattress, watching for his mum's next move; but once he'd decided she wasn't going to make one, he crawled up the bed, curling up next to her with his head on her chest.

Lovingly, Luci stroked his hair. "Were you afraid you weren't going to be able to come back? That I wouldn't be here if you did?"

Face buried in her shoulder, Billy nodded.

"Oh, William..." Luci said softly, tugging her boy closer. "I'll always be here, I promise. I'll always want you to come back."

A small knock at the door disturbed the peaceful moment.

"Really hate to interrupt, but Lucia? Can we have a word?" Jace asked tentatively, gesturing out of the room. "I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

"... Fine..." Luci huffed, going to get up. Billy squeaked as she let him go, reaching out to her as she moved.

Jace gave Billy a sympathetic look. "I'm just borrowing her for a second, I swear. It's really important.
But look, what's your favourite Pizza? We might order some in tonight, and you can have a few slices. I did promise you some."

"Pineapple, please!" Billy chimed cheerfully.

"... The one that no one else likes. Wonderful."

Leading Luci out of the room, he took her into the kitchen, where Clary was leaning on the counter.

"So..." Luci said, wary of whatever they were about to confront her about. "... What did you want to talk about? It better be good to interrupt story time with my son."

Jace looked awkward. "Well, here's the thing... It's about the blood in your tea... We think we might know why it was there. Is there any chance... Do you know if..."

"... Are you pregnant?" Clary cut in.

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