Family Breakfast

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Nyx eyed Selene warily as the blonde plopped down on the chair next to her, what was coming plainly written across her face.


"So, Chris. From the Christmas party."

"... Are you trying to tell me you remember his name, or..."

Selene poked her playfully. "You said you two weren't dating!"

"Uh... Okay... I might have said that... It's too early for this, I need coffee."

Taking the opportunity to escape, she hopped up off the chair and dashed around the worktop into the kitchen.

'Chris' shot her mutually-deprecating look, looking a little like he was subduing chuckles, or at least that was what Nyx could decifer behind the sunglasses.

They were claiming he needed them for an eye condition. Travis had given them a very sceptical look when Nyx had stuttered out that one, but no one had queried it yet.

Meanwhile, Nick was practically stabbing the bacon with the spatula as his eyes flicked between the two of them, evaluating.
He hadn't talked much yet, which only made Nyx more worried as to what he was going to say.

Finally, he dished up, putting the plates down unceremoniously.

"So, Chris, do you have a last name?"

Nyx chuckled nervously. "Meet many people without a last name, do you, Nick?"

Nick laughed at that, grinning, and Nyx felt her breath leave her in a relieved rush.

"You can call me Jay. Chris Jay."

Nyx mentally face-palmed.

Quickly, she changed the subject.
"Uh, Nick, are the coffee cups in the dishwasher? I can't find them."

"Try looking on the coffee cup shelf, they're usually there."

"Oh yeah." She said bashfully, removing her hand from the shelf of plates she'd been absentmindedly reaching for.

Travis chuckled. "Bit distracted this morning, are we?"

Picking at his bacon, 'Chris' twitched a humorous smirk.
Sitting in a high chair next to him, Abby burble excitedly, tightly gripping a fluffy white blanket in her pudgy little hands as she curiously watched their breakfast guest.

Tentatively, he gave her a little wave, which sent the small girl into delighted squeals, before throwing out her arm and reaching for him with clutching hands.

"Ooh, looks like someone has a crush!" Travis laughed. "Nyx, you've got competition!"

"Nah, she's only after his bacon." Nyx said, blushing to her roots as she carried her plate over and took a seat on his other side.

Reassuringly, he stroked her wrist under the table, making her smile despite herself.

"So, Chris. What are your intentions with my sister?"

It looked like it was going to be a long morning.

Sorry for the wait, the chapters are just requiring a little more work recently, and I have a lot less free time than I did.
It's a lethal combination XD but I'm trying.

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