No Rest

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"Let's get you all up to bed, yeah?" Dec said, as he climbed out of his car onto his front drive in the early light of the morning. "I'm sure you're all completely exhausted."

Taking the single baby carrier from back of the car, Dec and Luci made their way up to the door; Dec turning the key in the lock. The house was quiet as they went inside.

"They're all in bed." Luci giggled.

"Not quite." Dec said, peering around the living room door. Billy and Lila were curled up together in his armchair; fast asleep.

Seconds later they heard footsteps on the stairs; and Mrs Campbell appeared. "Everything gone alright?"

"Uh… So far." Dec nodded. "They've kept our boy in for observation, but our daughter's here. I think she's asleep though. Luci, do you want to take her upstairs and get her settled? I can sort out these two."

Looking where Dec had gestured, Mrs Campbell frowned. "They promised they'd stay in bed this time! Oh, I don't know- they were determined to stay up and wait for you."

Dec waved it off with a smile. "It's fine. They're excited. Thank you for taking care of them, Mum."

"My pleasure. They were absolute angels- most of the time."

Dec chuckled. "Well, kids will be kids. You two head upstairs-go on. Don't worry about it; I'll bring them both up."

Nodding, both women made their way upstairs; Dec kissing his fingertips and putting them on the forehead of the baby in the carrier as Luci passed.

Smiling, he turned and walked into the living room; walking to the armchair and slipping an arm under each of the sleeping children to pick them up. Both of them grumbled as he did so, laying their heads on his shoulders and snuggling into the warmth of his body. Lila's eyelids flickered slightly as she drifted in and out of consciousness. " 'Ello, Daddy…"

" 'Lo Daddy..." Billy parroted sleepily, rubbing his face on Declan's shirt.

"Hello, Children." Declan grinned happily, walking into the hallway and starting up the stairs. "Just so you know, we're home safe, Luci and I, and we've got your sister with us too. Your brother is still in the hospital, but he's doing well, okay?"

"Okay." Lila replied sleepily, neither of them really seeming to register what he said. Shaking his head at the pair, he carried on up the stairs.

Lila was easy to put to bed; he lay her down with ease and tucked her in one-handed, kissing her forehead good night as she let out contented little snores.

Billy was more difficult; he was proving to be more of a limpet than Dec had realised.

"Come on, Mate, you have to let go." Dec said, as Billy hung from him with his arms wrapped around Declan's neck. Eyes closed in sleep, Billy scrunched up his nose in objection; the adorable gesture of annoyance making Dec laugh. "Come on, let go now…"

Finally, he managed to pry the small boys grip apart; Billy letting out a small whine as he dropped him on the mattress, avoiding the boys grabbing hands as he tucked him in. Billy smiled as Dec kissed him on the forehead; before creeping quietly out of the room into the hall.

Time for bed for him too, he thought. It had been a long night.

His mobile rang. Hurriedly, he pulled it out and held it to his ear. "What do think you're doing, calling at this time in the morning?! We have babies now!"

It was Travis on the other end; his words tumbling out in a hurry as he spoke. "There's been a mass breakout at the Mental Hospital, and we don't know where Nyx is!"

'Fucking Hell.' Dec mentally groaned. 'No rest for the wicked.'


"So… You're what, just going to walk up to the institute and say hi?" Nyx asked sceptically.

He chuckled. "That might not be the best plan, granted."

"Do it; see what happens." Maddie said flatly. She was in a bad mood; and rightly so, as she'd been imprisoned here since God knows when, only given any liberation when Evelyn found excuses for her to help- The most recent being setting her free during their experiment to play backup if anything went wrong. It could have gone so wrong. Annoyed as she was, she'd been stunned at the results; although she wasn't willing to blindly trust it.

Nyx shrunk slightly under her friend's harsh glare; this was more than awkward.

"Perhaps not a good idea." Evelyn grumbled, unwrapping a blood pressure pump from around his arm; she had just finished doing a few basic follow up tests, and everything seemed fine.

"But I will have to do something." He said. "Otherwise I'm just going to be in hiding for the rest of my life."

"We could go to my home." Jocelyn suggested after a moment.

"What, after I smashed the window in? That's going to look great."

"You're talking like you have options." Evelyn said sternly.

"She has a point." Jocelyn agreed. "I mean, we're going to have to explain everything anyway."

Nyx groaned, putting her hand to her temple as she muttered in a sarcastic tone. "Well, this is gearing up to be a veritable tea party."

"Cheer up; world's not ended yet." He grinned.

"You're hilarious."

"Right, who's coming?" He said energetically, getting up from his seat. "I'll drive."

"You can drive?" Jocelyn questioned.

"You're not going." Maddie said, pointing at Nyx; who pulled an expression like she was going to argue but was cut off as the blonde continued. "Not dressed like that, you're not. You can't go wearing his shirt; we'll have to get you some proper clothes."

'Besides,' She thought. 'I think we need to have a chat.'

Hey, I actually got one done on time! Yay me!

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