Somethings Happened

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"Wots da password?"

"Get out of the damn way before I make you."

Wesley looked at Rigsy. "She's bluffin'. She can't lay a hand on us, not wiffout gettin' in trouble."

"Oh, it'll be worth it, trust me." Emilia snarled at the two small children blocking her path.
"Now get out of the goddamn way!"

"Now, Now Emilia. None of that in front of the children."
Evelyn walked up behind her, placing a calming hand on the aggravated girls shoulder.

"But they're... They... uugh!"

"Calm down. They're aiming to wind you up, and you're playing into that."

"We is right 'ere! An' it's not a joke, we are deadly serwious. Is for securwity reasons!" Wesley said indignantly, standing her foot.
"So, you say, wots the password?"

"Serious? What, truly really?" Evelyn said, eyes twinkling playfully.

"Yeth, twuly weally!" Lisped Rigsy.

"Really truly?"

"Weally twuly!"

"Truly really truly?"

"Yeth, Twuly weally twuly!"

"Really really serious?"

"Wesley weally serwious!"

"Seriously not kidding?"

"Serwiously not kiddin' "

"You're serious?"

"Yeah, I serious!"

"Rigsy, do you mean you know what the password is?" Evelyn said in pretend-awe.

"Yeth!" he said proudly, puffing out his chest proudly.

"Oh good. What is it?"

"Ets Peppawoni pizza an' fish fingers an' noodles an' Ice cweam!"

Evelyn nodded. "Yes, I would have never have guessed that. Well done.
So, pepperoni pizza and fish fingers and noodles and ice cream, can we come past please?"

Wesley stomped her foot angrily. "Rigsy, you told them! You're not supposed to do dat!"

"Why not? Was gettin' borin', cause no one was guessin' et!"

"But dats da point!"

"Now now, children, no fighting, go play in the garden or something. Surely there's something less aggravating you can do."

Wesley pouted her lip. "What'd you know, you're a grown-up, you don't play."

Evelyn rolled her eyes, turning to Emilia. "The ways clear, just walk. Before they start charging entry fees or something.
No, that was not supposed to give you ideas, Wesley!"

Emilia chuckled as she and Evelyn walked past the kids roadblock, down the hotel hallway.

Evelyn was the first to strike up conversation.
"So, where you headed? With several cans of beer, I might add?"

Emilia shrugged, answering moodly. "I was headed to see Maddie, but when I got there you'd obviously taken her out somewhere for a change of scenery."

Evelyn furrowed her brow. "Wait, what? Was this just now?"


"I've not taken her anywhere. Not since the garden at lunch time."

"Well, someone has, because she's not there."

"Well, they shouldn't have, I didn't say so.
I mean, it's night, it's not like she can go outside or to the dining room. " Evelyn turned back on her heel, walking in the direction they'd just came.

Emilia caught up to her. "Wait, what?"

Evelyn shrugged. "It's probably nothing. Just checking what's going on."

Upon reaching Maddie's room, Evelyn flicked the light on and crossed to the obviously empty bed.

She fingered the bed covers, feeling the indent marking where Maddie had rested not long ago, touching the thin covering of silvery dust coating the sheets.

"Something's happened."

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