The Birthday Party

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"... Declan, technically everyone who works at your bar could qualify as sketchy." Nyx chuckled, taking a swig out of the glass bottle on the table in front of her.

Dec acted like he was thinking about it for a second, then shrugged. "Then you see my point. He's not for you, Nyx. You can find someone else."

"Don't hate 'Cause you're jealous." Nyx giggled, kicking her legs joyfully against the bar stool and picking the bottle back up, only to pull a pout upon finding it empty.

"No, I'm not jealous." Dec explained, as if talking to a child. Reaching out, he took the bottle from her hands. "And you've had enough of those."

"Oh, come on!" Nyx complained loudly. "It's my party!"

"... Go chat with your friends." Dec shooed her, giving up with an exasperated groan.

Nyx grinned happily, hopping down off the stool with an almost child-like cheer, wobbling on her high-heels as she landed hard against the polished wood floor.

Steadying herself against the counter, she straightened out her dark blue skirt before calling across the room over the din of the music. "Owen, my minion, come dance with me!"

Striding over with an easy grin, Owen chuckled. "Minion? Why am I your minion?"

"Because of the plan." Nyx giggled in a loud whisper. "The Nick-and-Travis plan."

"... That's my plan." Owen laughs. "You should be my minion!"

"Shh-hhh!" Nyx hushed him. "Travis is right there!"

Taking Nyx's abandoned seat at the bar, Travis glanced back at the party, shaking his head before turning to Declan with a smug look. "So, how did the 'talk-with-alcohol' go? There's a reason we usually make her designated driver."

"Don't laugh." Dec said moodily. "I forgot what she was like with alcohol. I don't think a word got through her skull."

Travis shrugged. "You might be surprised. Either way, I'll get Nick to talk to her later. She listens to him." He took the beer Declan passed him. "Thanks, man. Cheers."

They clinked bottles, both taking long draughts of the alcohol before putting the drinks down on the top.

"It's a bit odd though, isn't it?" Dec comments. "Her going off like that?"

"Oh, now you think it's odd?" Travis chuckled. "Yeah, I guess it technically is a bit out of character, but like, she's not a little girl anymore. Guess I gotta accept that. But she knows not to be dumb about it now, and let us know if she's staying out."

"Yeah, I guess that's alright." Dec nodded, shrugging happily. "... Where'd she say she was again?"

"Oh, a friend took her out for her birthday."

"Right... Which friend was this? Sorry, just curious."

"You know, I actually don't know." Travis pondered, then shrugged. "Hey, Selene is always meeting new people, who are we to judge? It's healthy. Makes a change from looking after Abby, which is probably much needed."

"... I guess." Dec nodded, sounding somewhat unconvinced.

They chatted on for a bit, enjoying the party atmosphere, before Travis had to get up to get a heavily tipsy Nyx down off the table.

"... Why don't you come sit down here." Travis said through gritted teeth, as he lead her to one of the booths out of the way. "... I'll get you some water, and then we'll get you home... Ah, goddammit!"

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