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"We're going to have to try something different." Evelyn sighed, putting her head in her hands as she leant over her notes. "We're so close."

"I thought you'd been trying different things?" Jocelyn said irritably.

"Not different enough." Evelyn grumbled. "There's got to be something to... make the transition easier." She paused, nose wrinkling in an expression of thought. "I wonder if we could get some faerie blood?"


Get some sleep. Easy enough for them to say. Nyx hadn't slept properly in days.

The room she'd been given was nice, but she just couldn't get comfortable in it; functionally it was more than perfect, but it seemed empty and impersonal.

Laying across the bed, she tried to relax; and when that didn't work she kicked off the sheets, pulling the pillow out from under her head and tossing it on the floor in frustration. Then, when that did nothing for her, she reached over the side of the mattress to pick up the pillow again; wrapping her arms around it and rolling on her side to curl up against it, to see if that was more comfortable.

There was a soft knock at the door.

"Come in."

The door opened, and Maddie peeked her head around. "Not sleeping?"


Maddie frowned sympathetically. "I thought so." She walked over to her, sitting on the edge of the bed; immediately, Nyx moved closer, laying her head on Maddie's shoulder. And then suddenly, she burst into tears; the weight of everything coming crashing down around her.

Comfortingly, Maddie wrapped her arms around her; knowing the girl would feel better after this. Gently, she stroked her hair in a slow soothing rhythm, rocking her slightly in her arms like a child. "Shh. I'm here. Go to sleep; I've got you."


Jocelyn was going hunting. Frustrated by the slow progress, she determined to do something, anything; and she knew who she was searching for. Lilith; that bitch had stolen her son from her once. Now, she was going to get him back. She was going to fight for him.


"Come on, you can hit it harder than that."


"... Damn, I felt that one from here."

As Maddie steadied the punchbag for Nyx, Jace walked in; the two girls cracking up into partially-embarrassed laughter at his surprised expression.

"She's working through some stuff." Maddie offered in explanation. "And we ran out of things she could safely throw."

"Oh, okay..." He nodded; then paused, mouth quirking a humorous grin. "I don't need to be worried about the kitchen, do I?"

"Too late, Alec got to that joke first!" Nyx crowed.

Maddie laughed, then patted the side of the punchbag to get her attention. "Right. Focus. Pay attention; you might actually learn something."

"Are you teaching her then?" Jace asked.

"Just a little bit. It's more productive than her sitting around fretting herself."


He always paid attention to whatever Evelyn did to him; memorising every detail and filing the information away for later.

"Maybe we need to cauterise the inside of your nose." Evelyn said, passing him tissues to help him mop the blood from his face, before disposing of the stained ones. "This can't be doing you any good."

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