The Lull Before The Storm

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"Wiiilliam, what are you doooing?" Luci sing-songed.

Billy ran in from one of the back rooms, tailed by Nibs, and up to his mother eagerly, skidding to a halt in front of her. "Wassup?"

Luci put a hand on his shoulder, chuckling. "You alright?"

Billy nodded enthusiastically, crouching a little to fuss Nibs, who was licking and pawing at his side, and running circles around their legs.

"What did you and Jace chat about earlier? You two looked quite friendly."

Billy shrugged nonchalantly. "Stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

"Played toys 'n fings."

"Oh, fun." Luci said enthusiastically.

A slam of the door announced the arrival of Sebastian, who immediately made a beeline to the lounge.

"Ahem, and where have you been?" Luci said, hands on hips.

A glare and a slam of the door answered her -Or at least, an attempted slam of the door, but it bounced when Luci jammed her boot in the doorway, before easing it back open.

"So, who's going first with their 'long story', because I've got to tell you, I've got a doozy and you're going to want to hear it."

"Oh, just shut the fuck up already."  Sebastian growled, yanking open and rummaging through the bag containing his meagre possessions.

"William, how about you go upstairs and do your schoolwork?"

"But you haven't given me anything to do!" Billy objected from behind her.

"Go... Research why the sky's blue." Luci said distractedly.

" 's not blue, 's been rainin' all afternoon." Billy said sulkily.

"Then go research why it's not blue!" Luci snapped. "Just... Go upstairs, okay?"

The repetitive thud of his feet up the stairs came in response, reassuring her he'd gotten the message.

She turned her attention back to Sebastian. "Whilst it's not like your usual disposition is all sunshine and rainbows, I can tell something's up. What happened?"

He ignored her.

She took a step closer, acting way too casual to not seem suspicious. "Ah. I see. Curly locks finally opened her eyes, huh? Finally decided it was weird you sneaking into her families house every night?"

Slowly, he straighted up, striding over and looming over her, dwarfing her against his height.
The air suddenly felt threateningly cold.
Luci couldn't repress a small shiver.

"Get. Out. Now." He hissed, voice sharp as knives.

Luci made the wise decision, and slowly backed out of the room, refusing to look away or show any form of submission, although her flight response was screaming at her to run.

Not quite sure about the wording of the last bit, but hopefully it's alright. So glad I got this done, I've quite a busy schedule this week and I was worried I wouldn't be able to write anything for this.
Also, that's my excuse for any lack of further updates this week. :)

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