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"And... Walk to Travis! Go on, walk to Travis! Go on! Go on!" Nyx cheered to Abby, who was clinging to the sofa besides Nyx to hold herself upright, and giving everyone an incredibly unconvinced look.

Travis chuckled. "I think she wants to know what her incentive is."

"He's got cash, walk over and pick his pocket!" Nyx joked, looking at Abby and pointing towards Travis.
"Then we can buy ourselves lovely things!
That incentive enough? No? Okay.
Well, there goes my plan to create a gang of criminal babies.
Anyway... Lunchtime, methinks."

She scooped Abby up, striding into the kitchen, and sitting her down on the worktop, little legs hanging over the edge.

"So, what shall we have for lunch, eh? Let's see... Evidently, no one has shopped. Christ's sake, do I have to do every bloody thing around here?
Oh, hey, Owen."

Owen nodded his acknowledgement as he meandered into the room.

"So you're aiming for strong and silent now? Okay... I'll bite..."


"Yeah, I was aiming for funny, but that was all I could come up with in under twelve seconds."
Nyx hopped up onto a step-stool, burying her head in the cupboard as she spoke, twitching a grin.
"Ah ha, what have we here?"

She hopped down, placing what she'd found on the table, and swooping over to Abby to tickle her belly and make baby noises.

"So, what ya doing, Owen?"

Owen shrugged. "Nothing really. Avoiding Selenium, I guess. She's taken to ambushing me in the halls, trying to smarten up how I look or something... I don't know."

"She's bored. Just weather it, she'll soon get distracted by something shiny."

"I think she wants to give me a hair cut."

"Good God man, run, run for your life!"
She joked, mock-dramatically.
"No kidding though, just ask Travis."

Owen laughed. "What are you doing, anyway?"

"Chatting to you, can't you see that?" Nyx grinned cheekily.
"Other than that, getting some lunch. Or rather, getting my purse to go out and get some lunch, since we have zip in the house.
Hey, you wanna come?"

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