Ten feet

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"Now, you two are going to stay ten feet apart from each other, until you learn to play nicely. And that's not just with each other, that's with people in general.
Or else we'll be reinstating 'Sunday School' with Mags until you learn some manners."

Billy and Wesley  sat on a sofa, at what Vivian had approximated was ten feet between them.

Billy snorted. "My Mum says that Mags is diabolic. But den when I googled diabolic, an' got the spellin' right an' everythin', it said it meant like 'having da characteristics of the Devil', an' 'cause Mags is so religious an' Christian an' goes to church a lot, how can she be like the Devil?"

"Well, that's a horrible thing to say about Mags for a start, she is not diabolic..."
'Well, the old fruitcake is a little bit, but not as much as certain other people I could mention right now.'
"Anyway, that's not important right now..." Vivian stated, trying to get the telling-off back on track.

"My Mum also said that Mags was going to die of beaties, but I'm not sure what dat is. What is it? Is it why she's so mean and grumpy?"

Wesley, against her better judgement and her previous decision to sulk until Billy begged for her attention, cracked a smile, chuckling a little.
Billy smiled also, looking at his friend out of the corner of his eye.

Vivian looked confused. "Die of beaties? Die of... Wait, do you mean diabetes? Oh, Billy, Mags isn't diabolic, she's diabetic. And why are we even discussing this anyway? You two are still in trouble, you know!"

"What is diabetes?" Wesley chimed, giving up on her strop all together in favour of grilling her Mum.

"Means you can't process sugar properly, I think... Look, I'm not playing this game, stop trying to distract me. You two are going to stay apart, and think about your behaviour..."

"Is Diabetes what makes her yell stuff at us and swing at us with her stick?" Billy asked.

"...No, that'd be you taking advantage of her sight loss to pinch stuff from her bag on multiple occasions. That's it, you two are going to your rooms."

They both hopped off the sofas, smiling happily, and heading out the room, meeting up at the door and scurrying off together, whispering profusely.

"Your separate rooms!" Vivian called after them, rushing to catch up, which was difficult in her heels.
"And no side-stops! And definitely not to go disturb Mags! In fact, no talking! Stay ten feet apart!"

It was a lost cause. They were very clearly far enough away to pretend not to hear her.

Yes, this is probably a bit silly and seems pointless, but hey! I'm taking time to flesh out  new characters, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

Also, I wanted to update today but wasn't in the right mind for anything really plot crucial.

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