Silent News

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The code were running overdrive in Nyx's brain, making her pace frustratedly around her room, as if the over activity in her brain needed the physical movement as an outlet or otherwise she'd explode.

So Alysha had returned Maddie to her body.
Question was, why?

Out of the kindness of her heart?

Somehow Nyx doubted that.

There always seemed to be an ulterior motive with Alysha, even if it wasn't obvious, even if you couldn't see what it was.

There was another part to this that was pressing on Nyx's mind.

Alysha was here.

When Nyx had last seen her in Idris, she'd kind of hoped they'd left her there.
In her head, Alysha had just been gone. Out of sight, out of mind, as it were.
There was a whole wide world out there for her to wreak havoc in, did she really have to be here?
The fact that she was suggested to Nyx that Alysha wasn't finished with them yet.

Unless she'd just fixed Maddie and scarpered.
One could dream.

Frustratedly, she kicked her desk, instantly regretting it as a shock of pain shot up her foot from where it had connected, just as half her stationary and a pile of books were thrown off the desk by the force of it, landing messily on the floor, pens and pencils rolling everywhere.

Swearing under her breath, she knelt down to pick it all up, cursing as she had to squeeze between the desk and the wall to retrieve some of it.

And here she'd thought she could just put everything behind her.
Just mark it as a strange time in her life and move on.

And now, uninvited questions and thoughts were creeping into her brain, nesting themselves in her mind.

If Alysha had made it out, who else could have?

What had happened between then and now that she hadn't known about?

Suddenly, it all seemed a whole lot bigger than it had done.

The thing was, she'd been waiting to hear news. To hear word of what had happened, but after there had been nothing, she'd just grown distant from it all.
She'd figured... His name would have been tossed all over the place, if he'd been caught or confirmed alive by the Clave.
In fact, even if they hadn't made it known to everyone, it would have been to her, as if they had managed to collar him, or Alysha, or even Luci, there was no way she would not be incriminated by it all.

However, nothing really had happened.

Relieved, she'd relaxed, pushing it aside, marking it as done and dusted. So relieved at what she'd thought would happen didn't happen, she hadn't stopped to think through the alternatives.

She'd been stupid.

The silence was her news.

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