All Going Wrong

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"Nyx. Nyx. You alright? Nyx? You okay? Nyx, you're asleep in your cereal. Nyx!"

Nyx jumped, spoon scattering milk and cornflakes over the table.

"Now look what you've done." Selene tutted, bringing over a cup of coffee and setting it on the table before returning to get a cloth to clean it up.
"Come on, what's pressing on your mind?"

"Nothing." Nyx mumbled, listlessly stirring the remains of her breakfast around the bowl, very clearly meaning anything but.

Selene pulled up a chair, settling next to Nyx. "You sure? Want to talk about it?"

Nyx looked for a second like she was going to tell her, but then seemed to chicken out, dismissing it with a weak smile. "Nah, it's alright."

Selene shrugged. "Okay, if that's what you want. I'm here if you change your mind. Nick and Travis too, if you'd rather talk to them."

Nyx nodded, smiling, although her eyes looked sad. "Yeah. Thanks, Selene. Honestly, thank you." and she meant it too, she really did. However, Selene wasn't the one she really wanted to talk to.

"Mummy?" Nyx said quietly, pushing the door open little by little to peer into the room.

Rachel looked up at the sound, turning from where she'd been lying on her side to read.

Closing her book and putting it down on the bed besides her, she held out an arm towards Nyx, inviting her over.

Needing no second bidding, she ran over, throwing herself onto the bed and snuggling up to Rachel, pressing her face into her shoulder as Rachel wrapped her arms around her.

"Mummy, it's all going wrong."

Rachel shh-ed her quietly, rocking her slightly and rubbing her back as Nyx his her face in Rachel's shoulder; Rachel's pale, trembling hands smoothing her hair.

" 's okay, l-lil bird. 's okay."

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