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Emotionally exhausted, Nyx had cried herself to sleep, curled up on top of the bedcovers in the clothes she'd been wearing with her meagre belongings spread around her; her face damp with tears and her slow breathing interrupted by the occasional sob that escaped her lips, the only clue as to what was going on under the surface of her unconscious mind. The hours had ticked on without her, day turning to night, the golden sun fading away and the silver moon rising high in the sky.

She woke to a light touch on her shoulder; rousing from her deep sleep with heavy eyelids and leaden limbs. Turning, she saw a familiar silhouette standing besides her bed, the moon illuminating him in a halo of light, his face shrouded in shadow. This strange angel raised a finger to his lips to hush her; before reaching out to lift her from the bed, pulling her close. She clung to him, relieved he had returned to her in whatever manner that may be, cradled securely in his arms as she blinked the sleep out of her eyes and tried to sort through the fog of her thoughts.

"I have something to tell you."

"So do I."

There was something on his face; blood, she realised as she touched it, staining her fingers as she traced his features, although whose blood she couldn't be sure. Enclosing her hand in his own, he brought it down from his face; pressing a kiss to her palm.
Then, tipping her face upwards, he kissed her mouth; the action brutal and hungry, like her was trying to consume her completely. She could taste the blood on his lips; the bitter taste burning her own- dark and thrilling. Finally, they broke apart, foreheads touching as they shared breath. Her mind raced with questions about what had happened in the hours they'd been apart. Something had clearly changed.

Holding her firmly in his arms, he gently drew her across the room; and she went willingly, letting him carry her out the window and away into the darkness.

I was so tempted to end this book here (still kind of am), but I think I can work in one more chapter. Nearly done, guys. I'm so excited for the next book! Anyway, sorry this chapter is short, but I couldn't stretch it out any longer, it didn't need more. Hope you enjoyed it! :D

Also, I heard this song and thought immediately of this book XD

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