Plans for the Night

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"Hey. You know you can probably just come in the front door now, you've already met my family."

"And give your brothers opportunity to lynch me? Nah." He chuckled, tugging her forwards by her waist to lazily plant a kiss on her lips.

"True, that's a point." Nyx laughed, as he continued to kiss his way down her throat, before drawing back to look at her.

"We should go out somewhere."


"You and me." He said, stroking his thumbs across her cheekbones. "We should go out. We actually haven't done that yet. Well, unless you count New Year's Eve, which was a bit..."

"... Circumstantial?" Nyx offered, grinning. "... Spur-of-the-moment? ...Sss....So-so? ... I'm out."

He laughed, closing the gap between to nuzzle the crook of her neck. "Come on. Let's just go have some fun together."



She nervously nibbled her lips. "I would, but..."

He looked at her to go on.

"... Well, what if Abby wakes up?"

"Can't one of the others get it, just for once? Though it's not like she's really woken up the last few nights, I doubt she's going to suddenly need you."

"... Yeah, you're probably right..."

"Come on. Let's do something."

"Not much to do at night."

"We could go... dancing." He began to sway them back and forth, humming a tune quietly in her ear. "We could go... Get a drink... take a  walk in the moonlight..." He ripped her back, making her giggle. "Be imaginative."

"Hmm... Nyx mused, eyes glinting wickedly, as she slid her arms up around his shoulders. "... Decisions, decisions."

"We're going then?"

She chuckled, brushing her lips over his. "What, down the drainpipe and over the front wall?" She ripped her head back, laughing. "I can't even believe I'm going to agree to this. I feel so bad!
But I need the break..."

She was cut off as he pulled her forwards, capturing her mouth hungrily.

"Alright." She chuckled. "Eager much. Just give me a minute, I need to change."

He gave her a once over, wrinkling his nose and snickering. "Cute pyjamas."

"Shush, you."

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