Distant Thunder

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"... I thought I was supposed to be teaching you to drive?"

"We're in a car, aren't we?"

"Ah, yes, making out in my brothers car; a very important driving lesson many people forget."

He laughed, Nyx feeling the vibrations against her throat; his lips stilled over her pulse-point; her hands resting on his shoulders where she could feel the rise and fall of his breath.

Outside, fat drops off rain splattered against the car, noisily drenching the road in front of them in a way that said it wouldn't be stopping any time soon.
And it had seemed so clear when they'd set out earlier that night too. A perfect night for secret back-roads driving.

Now they were holed up at the side of the road, heater on full blast, fiddling with the radio and generally enjoying each others company as they hoped for the rain to clear up soon.

Feeling his lips find hers once more, Nyx gave over to the sensation, knotting her fingers in his hair as she pulled him closer to her; practically climbing onto his seat to get a better reach.

A loud crashing sound made her jump, causing her to spring back in surprise. "Damn, is that thunder?"

They held still, frozen in a forgotten half-embrace as their eyes scanned the sky.

Nyx absent-mindedly dabbed her bottom lip with her tongue, tasting a familiar metallic tang; she must've scraped her lip on his teeth when she'd been startled by the noise.

A second rumble snapped her from her distraction; a grinding, groaning noise booming from the clouds above.

"Well, that's definitely thunder. No lightening though, which is probably a good thing, considering we're in a large metal can stuck at the side of the road..."

"Nyx, you're bleeding."

"I am, aren't I?" She frowned, flicking her tongue over her stinging lip again, then pressing her finger too it; drawing it away to see a drop of scarlet against her skin.

"Come here, I've got it." He said, guiding her face towards him as he went to dab her lip with a tissue.

Nyx flushed a little, eyes flicking sideways to once again watch the rain out of the window. "Where's a chapstick when you need one?" She muttered.

"Stop talking." He chuckled, shaking his head a little. "You'll make it worse." 
He withdrew the handkerchief a little, dabbing it once more over her lip. "There... I think you're alright."

He pecked a kiss to her mouth, grinning roguishly.

Nyx chuckled sweetly. "So I'm going to live then, Doc?"

He wasn't listening. His dark eyes were trained on her mouth; a strange, distant look in his eyes.

"... Are you alright...?"

Her breath caught in her throat as he fiercely missed her, pulling her close with grasping fingers as he hungrily took possession of her mouth; licking past her lips and nipping at her flesh.

His hands traced down her arms, going to her hips, indescribabley warm against her curves; pressing her back down against the chair as he seemed to draw out her very breath, her very soul as he consumed her in his ravenous kiss.

She couldn't breath, couldn't hear, couldn't see; she was drowning, drowning in him.

Suddenly, he wrenched away from her; making her gasp loudly at the loss as her returning breath stilled on her lips.

"Someone's watching us." He snarled.

Easing herself up, a little light-headed, Nyx followed his faze out into the dark. "I don't see anyone."

"I know they're there. I can feel it."

Out of the corner of her eyes, Nyx could see the unconscious grip he had on the window frame, his knuckles turning white with the pressure of his grip.

A low growl filtered almost imperceptibly the air.

"... The rains clearing up a little... Do you want to head off?"

There was a heavy pause; as he started, unblinkingly out of the window, into the night.
Suddenly, he seemed to draw himself back, blinking almost bewilderedly.

"Yeah. Let's go."

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