The Morning After

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Nyx groaned, rolling over in bed and stretching, only to meet something solid besides her.

Her hand clenched around a handful of shirt material as she prised her heavy eyes open, rubbing her face and turning her head to look.

He was sitting on the edge of her bed, back to her, expression unreadable as he was obviously deep in thought.

"Hey." She whispered, voice dry, tugging a little on his shirt almost reflexively as she tried to get his attention.

Slowly, he turned back to her, a small smile on his face at her greeting, although he still seemed distracted.

She eased herself up onto forearms, pushing her wild curls out of her face. "You been up long?"

"A while." He shrugged, hand reaching forwards to fondly twirl one of her ringlets around his fingers. "Been thinking about some things."

"Want to tell me, or..."

He smiled enigmatically, and reached forwards to kiss her sweetly on the lips.

'Well, at least he seems happier this morning.'

He did seem better; he had a more relaxed air about him, at least now he'd been drawn out of his own head.

In fact, it was almost somewhat unsettling exactly how calm he seemed following the happenings of the previous night.

"But... You're alright now... right?" She said, pulling back to look at him warily.

Reaching out, he took her hand, smiling coyly as he pressed kisses from her knuckles to her wrists.

"Why do I get the impression you're trying to distract me?"

"Is it working?" He chuckled, lips on her skin.

She flushed lightly. "... Little bit..."

He grinned wickedly, surging forwards to press kisses to her neck and jaw, making her giggle and squeal beneath him.

"Behave!" She chuckled.

"Never!" He laughed, nipping at her ear and making her gasp.

Suddenly, a swift knock at the door interrupted them.

Swiftly, she shoved him off, chucking a sheet over him and hushing his quiet chuckles at her urgency.

Seconds later, the door was pushed open and Selene walked into the room, holding her hand up to block them from view. "Don't worry, I'm not looking. Your secret boyfriend is fine. I'm just wanting my green suade jacket back."

"A: That's my jacket, and B: You're doing this on purpose."

"That's not a denial! Go on, who is it? Is he cute? Well, obviously you think he's cute, but..."

"Selene. Get out."

"Hello, Nyx's 'special-friend-under-the-sheet!' " Selene teased, waving in his direction. "I would greet you face to face, but my sisters being very selfish..."

"Selene! Out! Get out!" Nyx yelled, throwing the pillow at her and getting her square in the face.

Selene laughed. "Alright, I'll leave you love birds to it. But it's not me you gotta be worried about. Nick heard you last night, and consequently, has decided to cook breakfast, to which everyone is invited."

She cackled, exiting the room, as Nyx let out an agonised groan .
"Ugh. We're screwed. Nick's planning to give us the Spanish inquisition. Literally the only reason he cooks."

Sebastian chuckled, having resurfaced. "We could always stay here."

Nyx looked thoughtful, then grinned, leaning in to peck his lips. "Not a bad plan.
Except it'd probably give my brother every excuse he'd need to lynch you. Come on... You got your sunglasses or something?"

Okay, just so you know, as of later this week I'm out of the country for a couple of weeks, so updating might be difficult for a while.
I can only try my best XD

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