Overtired journeys

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It took a good few minutes to wrestle Billy into a car seat, a good few minutes involving Billy practically limpet-ing himself to his mother's body as she tried to pride him off, going splayed-limbed-starfish when she attempted to get him to sit properly in his seat, and then 'playing dead', going limp and unresponsive when she was trying to strap him in, although the maniacal grin gave him away.

All because he didn't want to sit in what he called 'the baby seat', instead wanting to sit upfront next to his Mum.
But he couldn't, because someone else was sitting there.

The person Billy was currently glaring daggers at and debating flicking a scrunched up wad of tissue at.

Sebastian turned to Luci as she climbed in the drivers side.
"Who's the kid?"

"My son." Luci said, tugging at the front mirror of the car, looking in it as she adjusted it.
"William, do not unstrap yourself."

Billy scowled, retreating his hand away from the plug.

"You have a son?" Sebastian said, disbelief bleeding from the question.

"So? Your 'Girlfriend' has a daughter. You never had a problem with that."

"Why's he got sunglasses on? It's gettin' dark!" Billy asked loudly from the back seat, arm waving as be jabbed a finger in Sebastian's direction. "Is suspwicious!"

Luci winced. "No, honey, it's not suspicious..."

"Is too! It makes 'im look like da Terminator, an' dats Suspwicious!"

"And when did you watch Terminator?" Luci said coldly.

"Uh... Never... 'cause I'm four...?" Billy said, sinking guilty back into his seat.

The car was silent.

Then something jabbed Sebastian in shoulder.

He ignored it.

And then he was jabbed again.

And then again.

He turned around, seeing the small boy with his gaze fixed on him, eyes twinkling, clutching the biro he'd obviously been using to poke him.

"What?" Sebastian snapped.

"Hi." Billy said, smiling, giving a little wave.

Sebastian turned forwards again. "He's trying to provoke me."

"Actually, that one might have been him trying to be friendly. He's just curious, that's all.
If you can't deal with a four year old with a pen..."

Billy jabbed him again, harder.

"Hey, wa'sya name?"

"William, go to sleep. It's bedtime." Luci told him.

Billy looked confused. "Wot, in da car?"

"Look, the clock says it's bedtime." She said, pointing to the clock on the dashboard. "Go to sleep. Don't worry, I'll carry you in when we get there."

"Not tired."

"Well then, sit quietly and behave, because we are."

He was asleep by the time they turned up at the house, snoring away like a little baby angel as his mum scooped him up in her arms.

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