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Nyx laughed as they walked along the path, grinning despite herself.

"Okay, you were right. This was fun. Is fun."

He chuckled, tugging her close by her waist, sending shivers down her spine as his thumb stroked the sliver of bare skin at her waist. "Shockingly, I can actually be quite fun."

Nyx laughed freely, throwing back her head. "Well, you've never been boring, I'll give you that."

He laughed properly then, making her grin uncontrollably.

"But seriously," She continued. "It was nice just being out without anything... Strange happening."
'Although considering who I'm out with, wow I think my definition of strange has definitely shifted.'

"Oh, don't say that." He purred playfully, catching her by the waist and spinning her towards him. "Strange can be good too."

Teasingly, he nipped her throat, making her giggle as he trailed his mouth from her collar bone up the column of her throat to press kisses to the corners to her mouth.

She chuckled, feeling his hands exploring her waist, before she lightly pushed him back. "Uh uh, behave."

"Oh yeah? Why should I?" He said with a quirk of his brow, a hairs-breadth from her lips.

Quickly, she looked left and right, glancing at their surroundings. "Not here..."

She grinned deviously, taking his hand and towing him into the trees of the park behind them.

"I know my way around here like the back of my hand." She said, her green skirt swirling outwards as she spun back to face him, lightly on her feet. "It's my favourite place to explore. Abby likes it by the pond, but in here... Here's where its really special. No one else really comes here. Its like my own secret hideaway."

Teasingly, she pecked his lips with her own, giggling as he snagged her hips and pulled her close, capturing her mouth as he stroked his fingers up her sides, mapping out her curves.

She chuckled low in her throat. "Wandering hands. I know what you're thinking."

She danced away from him, into the shadows of the trees, a taunting smile on her lips. "But you haven't earnt it."

He prowled towards her, an impish spark settling in his mismatched eyes, playing her game. "And how do I earn it?"

"Hmm..." She mused. "That is for you to work out."

She ducked behind the tree, peering shyly from behind, as if she were hiding from her own daring.

"Oh really?" He reached for her hand, raising her knuckles to his lips.

She spun away from him again, laughing as she scurried around the next tree.

He laughed. "What, are you running away?"

"What, can't you keep up?" She bit back, swinging her arms almost childishly in her taunting.

Grinning, he chased after her, racing through the shadows, hearing her whoop with joy up ahead as she wove her way around the grove, enticing him further into the trees as they ran through the night...

... Until they spilled out onto the grass, both of them tumbling down the hill as he reached for her, laughing and Shrieking jubilantly as they crashed onto the ground besides each other.

Laughing breathlessly, Nyx wriggled closer to him, laying her head on his chest.
Softly, he tipped her chin upwards, pressing his lips to hers, softly at first, and then gradually growing fiercer.

She blushed, giggling slightly as she pulled back her face. "Look, Sunrise. Isn't it pretty?"

Slowly, she got up, picking grass off her clothes before even as he reached to pull her back down. "Uh uh, sun's risen, that game's ended now. Now you're tasked with getting me home, before they find you scandalously spirited me away in the first place."

"Can't have that now, can we?" He joked. "How scandalous. They'd think I've corrupted you."

Grinning, she reached up, and threading her arms around his neck, lightly kissed his lips, before threading her fingers through his and leading him off through the park in the direction of her home.

Probably totally out of character, but I like it anyway.
A good ending to a unique and special night. XD

Image shown up top is a rough idea of Nyx's date outfit. A bit different to her previous stuff, but still in keeping with her style. XD

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