Extended Family

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"... No, I am not randomly uping and leaving to wherever with you! I already did that for a few days, and everyone went into meltdown."

"Yes, it's great being widely adored. I know, I get it." Alysha said standing in the reflection of the kitchen window as Nyx stacked the dishwasher with the breakfast bowls. "However, things are going to start going downhill here real quick. Trust me."

Nyx straitened up, putting her hands on her hips. "Why? You keep saying everything is going to go to trash, but you won't say why."

"Because I know you, and if you're anything like me, that'll make it worse!"


"Hey." Travis said, walking into the room with an empty coffee cup headed for the dishwasher. "You talking to someone?"

"Uhh... Yeah. On speakerphone." Nyx said, gesturing vaguely to her phone sitting on the counter top.

"Hi, Nyx's friend!" Travis called out, waving goofily with a grin stretched across his face. " You should probably know she's in big, big trouble! I tried to tell Nick he couldn't ground a twenty year old, but he doesn't believe me!"

"Shut uuup!" Nyx complained, childishly shoving him out of the kitchen.

"Alright, alright." Travis chuckled. "Okay, but I feel obliged to let you know, we're having an Xbox tournament later for possession of the Doritos."

"Can't we just... Eat the Doritos?"

"Eh, where's the fun in that?"

Alysha sniggered as Nyx closed the door, Travis walking off down the hall. "Hilarious. You turned your back to me, and I, as your reflection, totally just stared him out over your shoulder and he didn't even twig. It'll hit him at like, one in the morning and he's going to freak.
I like him. We should keep him."

"Don't freak out my family." Nyx said. "That's just going to make things really awkward."

"Why? I'm family. Am I not allowed to play?"

"It's not that. It's just.. I haven't told them about you yet."

"Why? I mean, I kind of figured you hadn't. But that's easily fixed."

"I'm just... Waiting for the right time. You've seen what they're like, they're going to be immediately suspicious of you, no matter what I say. And I myself have only just learnt the truth; I'm still working out where we stand."

"I get that." Alysha nodded, grinning teasingly, although it was obvious she was glowing with happiness. "Baby Sis wants me all to herself for a bit." She giggled. "Although you could always use it to get you off the hook. You're adopted; say you did some research, found a blood relative and went to London to meet up. Technically not a lie- well, not exactly. Then, you can introduce me."

"When we get there." Nyx chuckled.

"Mmm... I think I like it just being us though." Alysha said decisively, fiddling with her curls before tossing her hair over her shoulder as if punctuating her words. "Just for a while, anyway. Other people make things complicated."

"That I can agree with." Nyx said with a chuckle. "Unfortunately, I think 'complicated' is just a part of life."

"We should go on an adventure."

Nyx laughed at the almost childish wording of the statement. "An adventure? Just like that?"

"Yeah! Every young lady should have adventures, it's how one learns." Alysha said, eyes lighting up eagerly. "We could go exploring, see all sorts of places and people and creatures. And I can teach you all about our abilities. It'll be awesome!"

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