The Friction Of Secrets

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"What's going on?"

Nyx took the offered cup of tea, holding the warm mug comforting between her hands. He sat across from her; reaching towards hers across the countertop, fingertips brushing the back of her hands as if he were to take them in his at any moment.

"Because this is not the first time something like this has happened, is it?" He continued. "Alysha said you'd fainted in the park. Is something wrong? Are you unwell?"

"I'm not unwell- at least, I'm pretty sure I'm not. It kind of just.... happens sometimes. All this. Like... A side effect."

"A side effect? So something is wrong?"

Nyx took a calming drink of her tea, her hands trembling slightly around the mug. "No. Well, yes. Sort of. I don't know!"

He took her hands, unwrapping them off the mug to hold them steady in his own. "So there's something. Explain to me what's going on. You say you're not sick- has someone hurt you?" She noted that, for a second, his eyes almost reflexively flicked down her torso. She knew where he was looking; the strange patch of scar tissue between her ribs tingled slightly as her attention was drawn to it; her memory of acquiring it a vague, hasty rush.
"Or is it magic?" He continued, eyes back on her face now. "Or the nightmares?"

"You won't like it." She sighed, massaging her temples. "Okay. So. I've been talking to Alysha about it, and..."

She stopped, her gaze looking past his shoulder. Behind him, in the glass of the kitchen window, Alysha stood with her arms crossed, exaggeratedly mouthing words at her. "You're not supposed to tell!"

Following Nyx's gaze, he turned his head to see where she was looking. "Ah, speak of the devil. Do you just hang out inside mirrors waiting for people to say your name?"

"Only when there's nothing better to do." Alysha smiled sweetly.

"So what did you do to Nyx?" He said bluntly; his expression like a storm brewing on the horizon.

"Nothing." Alysha replied, lazing uncaringly against the edge of the mirror. "Wasn't me. No blame here."

"What is it then?" He bit.

Alysha shrugged. "Dunno, genetics? And you, Baby Sis, you aren't supposed to tell secrets. Cause if he knows all our tricks, we might as well tell everyone and then the whole thing is ruined!"

"What thing? What tricks?"

"We have them, so we can use them as we wish." Alysha chimed with a tone of superiority. "And you, Baby Sis, aren't supposed to tell!"

"I didn't say anything!" Nyx replied irritably.

"You were going to!"

"Well, what was I supposed to do?!"

"Suck it up and deal with it! It's good for you."

"Good for her?!" He yelled. "How is any of this 'good for her'?"

Alysha pulled a distainful face. "You picked him, Baby Sis. You can deal with him." And turning on her heel, she walked back into the grey.

Nyx groaned, rubbing her face with her hands. "God, she's temperamental."

"There's got to be some way to prevent her from coming here." He said thoughtfully. "Some way to block her."
Nyx shrugged. Sitting down again, he turned his attention back to her. "Tell me what is going on."

Nyx squirmed a little in her seat, trying to sort through her racing thoughts. "Well... But Alysha said not to."

His hand clenched almost involuntarily in the countertop. "Does that matter?"

"A bit, yeah." Nyx nodded, eyes not meeting his. It did matter; Alysha was the only one who really seemed to know about this, and so seemed the only chance she had of any help; no matter how wavering or half explained some of it was. If Alysha felt for any reason like revoking her help, Nyx would be left floundering. And Alysha had been acting super off about something lately; not that she'd ever particularly acted 'normal'. Whatever had set her on edge, Nyx was reluctant to push.

"So you're not going to tell me?!" He exclaimed abruptly, Nyx's eyes jerking back up to him in surprise.

"... Not just yet, no." She decided.

"That's ridiculous!"

Nyx furrowed her brow. "How? It's my decision whether I tell or not."

"Oh, is it your decision? It seems more like it's her decision to me!"

She shrugged, holding up her hands. "It doesn't even matter, okay? I'm dealing with it."

"How?" He demanded.

"I just am." Nyx said. "Look, I don't have to tell you everything if I don't want to. You don't tell me everything."

Somehow, it was the wrong thing to say. "Are you accusing me of something?"

"No. I'm just saying-"

"-Because I've not done anything wrong."

"... Okay." Nyx said, a puzzled expression on her face.

In frustration, he slammed his hand down on the tabletop loudly. "You're the one keeping secrets!"

Quickly, Nyx got up. "I'm not fighting with you over it." She said simply, turning on her heel and walking towards the door.
He wanted to stop her going; although whether out of anger or regret he was undecided. Quick as a vipers sting, he snatched her wrist; stopping her in her tracks and turning her back to him. Her face pulled close to his, they held each others gaze, unblinking; each determined not to break first as neither knew what came next.

Finally, she broke the heavy atmosphere that had fallen between them. "Let go of my wrist. Please." He released her.
Turning, she strode down the hall, grabbing her jacket from the end of the bannister. "I think I should go home." She walked to the door, reached for the handle; and seconds later she was gone.

She was several steps down the pavement before she heard him coming up behind her. "No, wait, Nyx, I'm sorry."

"I'm just going home." She huffed, crossing her arms. "There's too much. I just... Need time to think."

He hurried to catch up with her. "At least let me take you home. I'll walk you, or I'll drive you. Come on, it's dangerous to walk that distance alone."

She stopped, looking miserably at the darkening streets, before turning back to look at him. He was right; she didn't really fancy walking home at this time, when it was only going to get darker.

"I've got to go to work soon anyway." He said, almost to mitigate his concern to reach a compromise. "I could drive you to the bar; leave you with your brother. Come on." His expression was layered with desperation, his arms arms open slightly at his sides.

Nyx huffed irritably, blowing the stray strands of hair out of her face as she crossed and uncrossed her arms over her chest, not quite sure what to do. "Alright, fine! But," She said, holding up one accusatory finger, her expression deadly serious. "That doesn't mean this is resolved."




Finally got it done! One day late. Hope it's good, I needed this chapter done just so, as it's building up to an important turning point on the story and character dynamics.

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