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"Hey, Selene." Travis said, wandering into the kitchen, where Selene was sitting at the worktop, flicking through a health magazine and scribbling down notes of some new fitness regime or something.

"Hey, Travis."

"So... I was thinking... Do you think it'd be worth buying Rachel a wheelchair?"

Selene looked up at him, definitely interested.

Travis continued. "I mean... I know it's not like she can't physically walk, but... You see how difficult it is for her to even so much as get out of bed, let alone across the room, especially without help, and... I think she'd benefit from going out.
I mean, I know she's slowly getting stronger, but thing is, let's face it. We're in for the long haul, and she can't stay shut away in her room forever, it'd be cruel..."

"Travis, I think it's an excellent idea. I was onboard from the moment you mentioned it.
In fact, we were almost stupid not to think of it before now."

"I don't think stupid, I think... well, I resisted mentioning it previously because... Because it felt like it made it real, you know? Like she wasn't just going to get up tomorrow and be 'all better'."

Selene thought about it, face falling slightly. "Yeah... I suppose..." She shook herself out of it.
"No. This is going to help. This is going to make Rachel's life better. It's not sign of giving up, it's not anything negative.
It's just a tool. A tool to improve Rachel's life now. She can begin to live a normal life again. So it'll be quite a bit different than before. We'll adapt. It's just what we have to do."

Travis thought for a second, then nodded. "You're right. It's a good idea. I'll see about getting one. Anyway, coffee?"

"Please. Nyx, you want a coffee?
She's in the lounge, could you just go check? Thanks."

Travis walked over and peered into the lounge.
He chuckled.

"Come look at this, she's curled up asleep on the couch!"

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