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"Evelyn, darling." Alysha purred from where she remained restrained within the mansion.

Evelyn slid the door of the room closed, simultaneously flicking a switch on the wall.
Bright light flooded the room, making Alysha squint in discomfort as her eyes took a second to adjust.

"Holy fuck, that's bright.
So, there a particular reason you risked breaking back into this place?
Honestly, thought you'd abandoned me. Nice to know you care enough not to let me die of boredom."

Evelyn chuckled darkly. "That the only thing that'd kill you then?"

"You joke now, but what is the point of life if not to be entertained by it?
Otherwise, it's not living, it's just... Being."

She trailed off, eyes glazing over as she disappeared somewhere into her head for a second, before mentally shaking herself awake.
She grinned widely.

"Anyhow, you're here now, so everything can be sorted. C'mon, let me up. I foresee certain people doing some very stupid stuff in the near future, and would like to be able to prevent it as soon as possible, thank you very much."

"What stupid stuff?" Evelyn asked flatly.

"Stuff." Alysha said, heavy implication laying on the word, which according to the accompanying grin was meant to grate on Evelyn.
"And yes, just to clue you in, I am hanging that over your head as an incentive to let me out. Just take it from me, it's not going to end pleasantly.
Also, do you know anywhere that sells decent clothing? I've currently only got one outfit, and it's getting on for five days old now.
And has literally been in a landslide within that time, so, you know..."

"Yes, well, I apologise about the clothes. But you are mistaken if you think I'm letting you go quite yet. I only came to bring you food."

"Well how very thoughtful." Alysha snarled, glaring.

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