Dark Places

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Hate and anger thrummed like a heartbeat in the dark, and endless chant of malice and poison, seeping from every vein and pore.

Victory was hollow when you weakened yourself so much in the process.

Unforseen circumstances, and underestimated opponents. That had been the weakness in Lilith's plans, what had ripped everything away from her and forced her to crawl into the dark places of the world to lick her wounds.
Stripped her down and reduced her to this.
This pathetic half-version of herself.

Unforseen circumstances and underestimated opponents. Not next time.

Calling together all of her strength and determination, she'd clawed her way out of whatever dark hole she'd retreated to, heeding the call of blood and vengeance to guide her onwards to what she sought, hatred fuelling her fire as she pushed on.

And that was when she found it.

The insulting white paper bird, strung up in the branches specifically where she would see.

Anger flaring, she ripped it from the tree, tearing apart the careful folds to reveal inside its pathetic paper body an intricate script of pictorial letters, elegantly printed across the page.

Already suspecting she knew, she scanned the familiar symbols, gripping the thin paper tightly in her fingers.

Part of her wanted to scream with outrage.

Another part just wanted to laugh.

I don't know, this is part of something I've been building up to for a while, and either you'll love it, or find it totally off script and random.
Either way, enjoy.

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