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She wasn't there that night.

The window that she usually appeared through was cold and dark, the net curtains framing the view into the darkened room.

The light had faded fast today, night drawing in quickly, as if to tempt him out, along the familiar track to the familiar place.

He felt agitated, he didn't know why, but it was a feeling that had pushed him from the town house into the cool night air in the hopes that it would dissipate, but even now it itched at his mind.

There was a rumble of an engine as a vehicle drew up to the house, and a second later, a blonde girl in a purple sequinned miniskirt hopped out, tottering slightly on her high heels as she made her way to the to the door, slipping inside as the car pulled off the driveway.

He recognised her as the as the Werewolf girl he'd met at Christmas- Selene, wasn't it?- one Nyx's patchwork of adopted family members.

It was quiet again, the sudden burst of sound caused by the car and the arrival of Selene already fading away.

He felt he should leave. Either to go back, or just walk onwards, it didn't matter.
He had no right to be here.

But some part of him was convinced he had a reason.

This was ridiculous. What was he going to do, spend every night standing across the street from her house hoping to be gifted a quick glimpse of her?

Because no matter how much he tried to kid himself, that was exactly what he was doing.

That was exactly what he was going to end up doing, unless he made a choice, moved out of the the never ending limbo of this and the townhouse which he was circulating through.

He just didn't know what to choose.

He didn't know what his choices were.

There was a noisy couple coming down the pavement opposite now, chattering loudly, little regard for anyone nearby overhearing.
Thing is, there wasn't many people nearby to overhear.

The wheels of the pram being pushed in front of them rattled over the uneven pavement surface, followed by loud laughter from the woman at the ensuing noise.

He ignored them, scrutinising the house one last time, the softly glowing light of the lounge bleeding through the closed curtains, gently low-lighting the front of the house.

Lamplight spilled onto the pavement, cutting a bright hole out of the swift darkening surroundings, staining the leaves of a nearby tree with orangey light.

The noisy couple cut a direct path beneath the street lamp, seeming to become truly corporeal as they stepped into the light, walking in a direct line along the path.

And just for a moment, he saw her. Light rippling through her hair from the lamp above, laughter spilling from her lips, side by side with Owen.

I got a bit annoyed at Wattpad today, because I wrote this page whilst I was out, then when I got home, went to publish it and the page was not there.
Got hella pissed, thinking it had somehow deleted itself.
Opened up a new page to start from scratch, because no other option, and then just out of curiosity, went to look at the revision history on the new page.
By some fluke of luck, found everything I'd written was there.

Has anyone else had any problems? Because Wattpad's been mucking me around like this with comments and stuff for a couple days now, and I want to know if it's just me, or if anyone else has had issues.
I know a couple of people who I think have had, but just curious.

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