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She hadn't seen him when she looked out from her window, but he'd seen her.

Haloed like some kind of angel in glowing light from her bedroom, she'd appeared as a shadow at the window, looking out into the dark world from the golden safety of her home, completely oblivious the him.

Not quite close enough to see her properly, he examined her, not quite sure what he was trying to discern, but definitely trying to discern... Something.

And then she was gone. Quick as a wink, she'd drawn back, closed the curtains and gone.

He knew he should probably go now. Go, back to the townhouse, somewhere else, away, it didn't matter.
He'd gotten what he'd come for, she was alright, she was safe, she was home.
He didn't need to be here.

But at the same time, he did. He really, really did.

It was a mental struggle, between what he knew he should do, and what he wanted to do.

Frustratedly, he turned on his heel, jamming his clenched hands into his pockets, and striding off, but not without a last swift glance back.

He felt like he was stuck in some kind of limbo, not sure what to do, knowing his choice would open up one of the many paths ahead of him, but unsure of which road he wanted to travel.

He needed to think, to clear his head.

Somewhere else, somewhere with nothing to distract or influence him.

Somewhere not here.

Although that was hard, when it was taking physical effort not to turn back, just for a moment, just for another look, just for...

He tugged his jacket collar up higher, against the cool air, and determinedly walked on, step by step away from the house.

Sorry if this is a bit awful, or cringy, or out of character, but I tried!

Also, I'm writing this on my new phone, which has a slightly different layout and seems to be addicted to autocorrect, so if there's anything a bit off about this because of that, please let me know and I'll sort it out.

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