Stress, Teasing And Trust

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"... I don't know what she wants! Obviously, she wants something, but..."

"Shhhh, don't stress, you'll only harm yourself."

Nyx breathed a sigh against his chest, hands clutched loosely in his shirt as he rubbed soothing circles onto her shoulders.
"Yeah, I know. But... It's just..."

"She can't do anything to you. I won't let her."

"She's not done anything to me. Not yet. I just think... I don't know what I think."

She sighed again. "No stress. I'm tired of worrying about everything."

Smiling, he softly kissed her forehead, pecking down her nose before, with a wicked grin, capturing her lips.

With a unconscious smile, she eagerly pressed into the kiss, hands going to the hair at the nape of his neck to pull him closer, hers tracing down over his broad shoulders to then down his arms.

He broke the kiss, smirking lips resting a hairs breadth off hers. "Alright, why'd you grab my hands."

"Maybe I like hand-holding."

"Right." He said in a way that told her he knew that wasn't it.

"Mmmm... Maybe I don't trust you." She teased, tapping her way up his shirt buttons distractedly.

He raised an eyebrow sceptically.

"Mmmmm... Maybe I don't trust me." She whispered, quickly pecking his lips then darting away.

"Nah, trust your instincts, they'll never lead you wrong." He said, pulling her close again and going for her neck.

"Give me a minute and I'll think of multiple examples of why that's not true." She chuckled, pushing him off of her just as he reached her ear.

He snapped his teeth playfully at her, laughing at her flushed expression.

She tapped him scoldingly on the nose, grinning despite herself.

"As the lady wishes." He purred, smirking.

Nyx blushed, turning her face away and covering her eyes with her hand. "Don't sound so... confident."

"Not a clue what you're talking about."

"Sure, sure."

I actually really writing these scenes. Hopefully you like them too. I'm trying to make them not too 'apart' from the rest of the story, but then again, they're a somewhat important part of the story in and of themselves.

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