Complicated Relationships

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"You alright?" Nick asked, coming to sit besides Travis at the kitchen work top. "You seem a bit... Stressed."

"Well, Dec got Luci pregnant, and... No, that's basically it."

"Ohh..." Nick pulled a face. "Dec's freaking out?"

"Well, yes but also no." Travis groaned, rubbing his face tiredly. "To be honest, I think that's been Billy's job. Man, that kid can throw a tantrum to rival Lila. That being said, Little Madam is over the moon."

Nick chuckled. "I bet she is. So, Dec's telling the whole family now."

"Yep." Travis said, looking at the worktop like it was the most fascinating design in the world. "... You know she was living at the hotel? Because she and her son didn't have anywhere to live. But today she was at his house..."

"Is that unusual?"

"Well, yeah. Dec doesn't just let anyone in his house. That's for family only. Dates and hookups go to the hotel."

"Well, is she not... Kind of family? Again, she's having his kid."

"Dec doesn't do relationships. If that's what you're implying."

"That may be true..." Nick said slowly. "However, he's hardly going to just abandon her either. Maybe they don't get seriously involved. They can still be friends, right? Like you and Maddie. He's not going to leave her to fend for herself if she can't; he has to take responsibility for the position he's put her in."

Travis chuckled. "You probably think I'm a massive hypocrite, considering the situation with Maddie."

"Nah, I think you're just reeling from being caught off guard. Happens to the best of us." Nick said, patting Travis cheerfully on the shoulder. "None of this is any small matter. And you're used to having Dec mostly to yourself. It'll be strange for a while."

"I'm not jealous." Travis said indignantly.

"Alright, alright." Nick said kindly, not looking to argue. "Besides, you did good by Maddie, considering the two of you weren't together anymore. We did good by Maddie, as a family.
Besides, who knows? If it hadn't been for that argument that broke you up, it may have been Dec sitting in the kitchen complaining about the two of you right now."

Travis laughed honestly. "Honestly, that's probably very true. God, I miss her sometimes. It was never boring, that's for sure."

"You loved her." Nick said. It wasn't a question, but a statement of fact.

"... I think I did." Travis agreed, almost as if just coming to the revelation himself. "You know, I tell myself we didn't work anyway... That she wasn't quite my speed, but... Honestly, if it weren't for the falling out, I think we could have been happy together."

"It was that she was rubbing your relationship in the face of her bigoted parents, wasn't it?"

"Yup. Never felt so used." Travis laughed self depricatingly. "Anyway, I'm done talking about me, tell me one of your tragic heartbreak stories. I know you have a few."

"Four. I have four ." Nick counted them off on his fingers. "The woman I went to sea for. The woman I found at sea. The woman that lead me to wash up in this house. And the woman I found here."

"Oh, come on, how come your break ups sound tragic and romantic?" Travis chuckled. "Sounds like an idea for a romance novel."

"I'll write my biography and sell it as fiction." Nick laughed. "God, I know a few people who'd hate me for that."

"Selene may murder you." Travis agreed. "Unless you were super tactful about... Various incidents."

It was Nick's turn to put his head in his hand. "Oh, don't start. I should have known that relationship was a bad idea. It's a shame though, because it was so nice for so long."

"I guess it's just you and me now." Travis teased. "A couple of bachelors."

"And you know what?" Nick added, slinging a friendly arm around Travis's shoulders. "I think we'll be just fine."

"Just fine." Travis echoed, grinning despite himself; enjoying the infectiously cheerful mood of his crush.

This chapter makes me squee inside XD hope you enjoyed! I wrote it scarily quickly, but I think it's just perfect. Hey, sometimes magic just happens.

Please comment your thoughts! :)

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